Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

The future of Green America Read the transcript of a telephone conversation about the future of Green America. Some words are missing. Change the word in brackets to form the missing word for each gap (1–9). Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. Lucy: Can you believe the latest UN report on climate change? What … 0 (happen) to our environment if we don’t start to make drastic changes? Hanna: I don’t think it’s the end of the world. When you take some of the most recent efforts into consideration, it looks like things … 1 (change) . For example California, which brought in the toughest emission and energy efficiency standards in the country. I think it … 2 (get) better. And the idea of making a Green America is not so unrealistic. Be more optimistic. Lucy: Yes, OK, I … 3 (try) to be more optimistic about it, I guess. Hanna: If more states start to make changes like California, Washington and Oregon, who support something called the West Coast Global Warming Initiative, then we … 4 (see) changes in the future. Lucy: Yes, you’re right. I want to start to make a difference too. From now on I … 5 (buy) more environmentally friendly products and I … 6 (try) not to use so much water when
I shower. Hanna: That’s the spirit. I … 7 (go) to a lecture next week about how to reduce greenhouse gasses. If you want, you can join me. Lucy: Of course I … 8 (join) you. Who knows, maybe we … 9 (make) a difference! 0 will happen ✔ 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 Antarctica is going green, and not in a good way Read the text about the results of climate change on Antarctica. In most lines (1–11) there is a word that should not be there. Write these words in the spaces provided. 2–4 lines are correct. Make a ✔ in the space if the line is correct. There are two examples (0, 00) at the beginning. The “greenhouse effect” that helps drive safely climate change could be greening safely 0 even the most inhospitable end of the Earth. A research team has confirmed that ✔ 00 plant life on Antarctica has been growing up and spreading rapidly across the 1 continent that we tend to think of as being one big chunk of ice cream at the bottom 2 of the world. “Temperature increases over roughly the past half century on the 3 Antarctic Peninsula have had a dramatic effect on moss banks by growing in the 4 region,” said Dr Matt Amesbury, of the University of Exeter. “If this continues, and 5 with increasing amounts of ice-free land owners from continued glacier retreat, the 6 Antarctic Peninsula will not be a much greener place in the future.” For the most 7 part, Antarctica remains mostly frozen, with potted plants growing on less than one 8 per cent of the continent, but the scientists were even struck by how their research 9 revealed that the trend was widespread over across the entire Antarctic Peninsula 10 rather than isolated to a single moss bank. 11 3 4 29 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv