Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

2 Spot on language Green shopping? Read the text about the effects of shopping groceries on global warming. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–7). Put a cross ( ✘ ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. Walking to the shops damages plants more than going by car Walking does more damage than driving to cause … 0 , a leading environmentalist has calculated. Food production now uses so much … 1 that more … 2 is emitted providing a person with enough calories to walk to the shops than a car would … 3 over the same distance. The … 4 could benefit if people avoided exercise, ate less and … 5 couch potatoes. Provided, of course, they remembered to … 6 off the TV rather … 7 leaving it on standby. 0 A global heating B global warming ✘ C pollution D central heating 1 A strength B electricity C energy D powers 2 A gas B monoxide C oil D carbon 3 A emit B let off C give D loose 4 A climate B weather C layer D air 5 A got B became C received D were made 6 A get B close C shut down D switch 7 A of B for C than D then Rhetorical devices: Convincing people The extract below has been taken from a conversation overheard between two fifteen-year-olds talking about saving our rainforests. Rewrite the text as a speech using their arguments. Add effective rhetorical devices from the useful phrases on the right to help you make the point more effectively. Robert: I say that there should be a rule not to cut down trees, only if we really need to. It’s not fair to all the animals. Katja: Yeah, we are getting rid of the animals’ homes just so we can have nice tables and chairs. You know, the problem is that lots of people just don’t care about it. They just think everything is OK and there is no big problem. They just go through life, buying and buying and wasting and wasting. We should recycle our old wood, not just throw it out. Robert: You’re right. I also think there should even be someone who visits the schools and teaches us about saving the trees. And there should be more ads on TV about how cutting down the rainforests is bad for the environment. Katja: I know what you mean! If I had the power to do it,
I would organise a campaign to start planting new trees to replace the lost ones. I think we just need to make people realise that if we don’t try to save our trees, nobody else is going to do it for us. If the trees go, we go, too. In effect, it’s costing you and me our future. 1 2 Useful phrases We have to ensure/see to it that … . • We should take care not to … . • We are prepared to/ determined to … . • to adopt a resolution • an unprecedented effort to serve the common good • serious/pressing problems • to face/solve a problem/conflict • to overcome difficulties • to settle a conflict • to negotiate an agreement • to make a compromise • to promote reconciliation • in the near future • in the short/long term • in the long run • short/long-term solutions • We are hopeful/ confident that … . • We are working to … . • We should take on new roles. P 28 Saving the planet Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv