Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

3 What does she say about the behaviour of the Western world? a) People spend more money than they have. b) People refuse to donate to underprivileged people. c) They have set an example in acting together towards a single goal. d) They are afraid to talk about their thoughts and feelings openly. 4 What did Severn think when she saw children her age living in poverty? a) The place in which you are born determines your opportunities in life. b) People should donate more money to help children in Somalia. c) More children than adults are victims of war in the Middle East. d) She would give all the street children food, clothes and medicine. 5 What does Severn expect from grown-ups? a) to compile a list of priorities b) to let their children decide in what kind of world they want to grow up c) to take active measures to protect the future of the planet d) to attend more of these conferences b) Listen to the speech again and make a list of: • the arguments Severn uses • the rhetorical devices in her speech c) Comment on your observations: Which arguments and rhetorical devices do you find most convincing? Why? Writing: An article about Severn’s appearance at the summit For a special environment edition of this month’s school newspaper you have been asked to write an article about Severn Suzuki and her appearance at the Earth Summit. In your article you should: • describe the Earth Summit • analyse the most important arguments in Severn’s speech • outline your own view on whether anything has changed since then Give your article a title . Write around 250/400 words . Speaking: An interview with a participant Get together with a partner and assign roles: One of you is a participant at the Earth Summit, the other one is a reporter. Prepare and act out an interview in which you talk about the following points: • the participant’s reaction to Severn’s speech • the accusations Severn raised • possible scenarios to cope with the issues described Finding out more about Severn Suzuki On the internet you can watch Severn Suzuki’s speech at the Earth Summit and many more videos and articles about the environmental activist. Compile information about her on a poster to share with your class. On your poster, visually arrange: • quotations of Severn Suzuki • her past and current projects • what people think about her 3 VIP file Severn Suzuki was born in 1979 and raised in Vancouver. When she was 13, she gave this speech at the Rio Earth Summit, for which she received a standing ovation. She is now an environ- mental activist who travels around the world talking with people about their roles in enforcing a sustainable, respon­ sible future for our planet. V 4 5 27 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv