Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

0 By 2050, … people will live in cities. most ✔ 1 More than … of the space available in a city is used by traffic. 2 It is actually more environmentally friendly to … than in the countryside. 3 Many places we need to go will be within … . 4 In a few years, there will be at least six … . 5 Clever urban development also does not forget … over flying cars and high-tech building. b) Go back to the article and find synonyms for the words printed below. Copy the sentences in which they are used and try to rephrase the sentences in your own words. c) What do you think about these predictions? Why would/wouldn’t you want to live in the city of the future? Writing: Building a green home You work for an environmental organisation as a volunteer. Your organisation is currently working on a brochure which gives tips on how to transform one’s house into a green one. To prepare the brochure, you have been asked to compile a report on this matter. Use the illustration below to get ideas. Red boxes contain ideas for more expensive steps, green ones for cheaper measures. In your report you should: • discuss the necessity of ecologically friendly building • outline tips and reasons for relatively quick and cheap steps • outline tips and reasons for more complex and expensive measures Divide your report into sections and give them headings . Write around 250/400 words . region surrounding a city arrival of large numbers of people fundamental facilities serving an area profession of designing buildings state of being blocked or crowded rural section of a country amount of carbon dioxide that activities produce causing little or no damage to the environment very tall modern building area in which most automobile traffic is prohibited 2 new windows with double glazing photovoltaic electricity on the roof floors from renewable materials like bamboo recycling bins water-efficient appliances and toilet cavity wall insulation sockets that can be turned on when needed collect rainwater that falls on the roof 25 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv