Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Solutions (Check-out-pages and Exam preparation) Exercise 2 1: a happy holiday season, 2: thousands of years ago, 3: change their advertising campaign, 4: In a prison, 5: offending others Unit 10, pages 122–123 Exercise 2 1: make it easier, 2: after their college years, 3: ruin/ damage, 4: profitable, 5: in an irresponsible way/ irresponsibly, 6: shut out/driven out Exercise 4 1: only, 2: don’t, 3: ✔ , 4: hardly, 5: home, 6: ✔ , 7: the, 8: own, 9: ✔ Exam preparation, pages 145–149 Exercise 1 1: carried out a study, 2: of stroke, 3: health problems, 4: a diet, 5: difficulties with Exercise 2 1: G, 2: D, 3: B, 4: C, 5: H, 6: I Exercise 3 1: A, 2: C, 3: B, 4: B Exercise 4 1: F (With so many different), 2: F (In addition, the arti- cle), 3: T (What will happen is), 4: T (These papers will have), 5: F (There are people that), 6: T (This will be a) Exam preparation, pages 150–152 Exercise 1 1: not to judge/to accept, 2: go together, 3: been attacked, 4: Muslim groups, 5: mistakes have been made, 6: cope with/come to terms with Exercise 2 1: D, 2: B, 3: H, 4: J, 5: K, 6: A, 7: F, 8: G Exercise 3 1: B, 2: B, 3: D, 4: B, 5: D Exam preparation, pages 153–156 Exercise 1 1: D, 2: J, 3: M, 4: L, 5: I, 6: C, 7: E, 8: G, 9: A, 10: K Exercise 2 1: look, 2: face, 3: place, 4: need, 5: viewers, 6: illus- trates, 7: interesting, 8: straight, 9: grown, 10: part Exercise 3 1: denying, 2: responsible, 3: universally, 4: efficient/ effective, 5: infectious, 6: coastal, 7: loss, 8: failure, 9: solutions Exercise 4 1: ✔ , 2: among, 3: motion, 4: ✔ , 5: in, 6: eventually, 7: ✔ , 8: though, 9: ✔ , 10: about Exercise 5 1: C, 2: D, 3: C, 4: A, 5: B, 6: B, 7: D, 8: C Unit 1, pages 18–19 Exercise 1 1: F, 2: G, 3: H, 4: A, 5: C Exercise 3 1: one, 2: with, 3: out, 4: the, 5: ✔ , 6: for, 7: around, 8: to, 9: with, 10: ✔ , 11: to, 12: for, 13: ✔ , 14: in, 15: been, 16: not, 17: ✔ Unit 2, pages 30–31 Exercise 2 1: A, 2: E, 3: D, 4: H, 5: B Exercise 3 1: F (Rising levels of winter), 2: F (A rise in tempera- tures), 3: T (Scotland’s biodiversity is under), 4: T (Flowers such as snowdrops), 5: F (Dr Campbell Gemmell, who), 6: T (I think the debate) Unit 3, pages 42–43 Exercise 3 1: female, 2: whom, 3: choice, 4: surprise, 5: taking, 6: name, 7: returned, 8: whether, 9: accepted, 10: person Unit 4, page 55 Exercise 1 1: B, 2: D, 3: C, 4: B, 5: C Unit 5, pages 64–65 Exercise 2 1: C, 2: D, 3: D, 4: A Exercise 3 1: get, 2: ✔ , 3: in, 4: prove, 5: and, 6: ✔ , 7: attendant, 8: ✔ , 9: knowledge, 10: finally Unit 6, page 77 Exercise 3 1: F, 2: D, 3: B, 4: G, 5: C, 6: H, 7: A Unit 7, pages 88–89 Exercise 1 1: pay (the) full price, 2: getting a bargain, 3: has improved, 4: for outlet centres, 5: get to know Exercise 3 1: A, 2: A, 3: C, 4: B, 5: D, 6: D, 7: C, 8: B Unit 8, pages 98–99 Exercise 3 1: under, 2: However, 3: ✔ , 4: set, 5: ever, 6: ✔ , 7: designer, 8: over, 9: more, 10: ✔ Exercise 4 1: C, 2: A, 3: D, 4: A, 5: B, 6: D, 7: B Unit 9, pages 110–111 Exercise 1 1: B , 2: F, 3: D, 4: H, 5: A 205 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv