Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

V collusion !kE*lju"Zn? It involved collusion , dishonesty and lying. geheime Absprache compounded by These have been compounded by their own mishaps. verschlimmert durch slump Slump for automobile dealers Rückgang, Sturz advertising revenues !*xdvEtAIzIN *revEnju"? Online advertising revenues are expected to grow 21 per cent. Werbeeinnahmen shortfall There is a massive shortfall that must be whittled away. Defizit, Fehlbetrag wrench !rentS? He felt a great wrench when he was parted from his children. Trennungsschmerz to nibble Hundreds of spectators nibbled on cheese and crackers. knabbern aggregator website They founded the first daily deal aggregator website . Webseite, die Informationen zusammenstellt lifeblood Air services are the vital lifeblood of modern global commerce. Herzblut august !C"*G0st? True poets are the august masters of beauty. herrlich, majestätisch to be on the mercies of We have businesses operating on the mercies of creditors. von jmds. Gnade abhängig sein to mortgage !*mC"GIdZ? Two of the three mortgaged properties have since been sold. etw. belehnen retrenchment !rI*trentSmEnt? He was urged to confirm if the retrenchment rumours are true. Einsparung to succumb !sE*k0m? The boy later succumbed to his injuries. unterliegen to metamorphose into sth. This time they have metamorphosed into something quite different. sich in etw. verwandeln 3 to beg to differ Again, I politely beg to differ . I’ve heard a totally different version of their story. sich erlauben, anderer Meinung zu sein immortalised Stars have been immortalised on the Wall of Fame. verewigt raft I was adrift on a raft in the Atlantic for 76 days. Floß assertion Their unsupported assertions turned out to be false. Behauptung, Aussage briskly Luxury items are selling briskly . lebhaft, schnell archaic !A"*keIIk? Has “privacy” become an archaic concept? veraltet 4 to envisage sth. !In*vIzIdZ sth.? I’d like to envisage a peaceful future, but I know that it’s highly unlikely. sich etw. vorstellen Language in use 1 lethargic !le*TA"dZIk? Feeling the effect of the drug, his movements became slow and lethargic . teilnahmslos, träge a succession of At the end of the day Maria admitted that she found the endless succession of visitors rather tiring. eine Reihe von to top up sth. Doctors recommend that people top up the vitamin D in their diet. etw. aufstocken, nachfüllen 2 security breach A data security breach can happen for a number of reasons. Verstoß gegen die Sicherheits- bestimmungen to amass sth. !E*mxs? He supposedly amassed his fortune by illegal means. etw. anhäufen 3 to alleviate sth. The aid was aimed at alleviating the hardship of poor people. etw. lindern, erleichtern prevalent !*prevElEnt? Chemicals are prevalent in many foods. vorherrschend, verbreitet to factor in sth. When factoring in inflation, he now earns more. etw. berücksichtigen 4 momentum The stock market lost momentum again on Monday. Schwung, Impuls Writing 2 secluded Peace and quiet in a secluded spot – that’s exactly what I’d need right now! abgelegen undeniably The food we eat today is undeniably safer than it was in the past. unbestreitbar to yield Our investment in Online Pizza has yielded an attractive return. etw. (ein)bringen 3c joint use agreement The council approved a joint use agreement . Vereinbarung über gemein- schaftliche Nutzung 5 irresistible There’s something irresistible about her. unwiderstehlich budding Earlybudding vines started to leaf out and were hit with a killing frost. aufkeimend, knospend to get entangled in sth. Try not to get entangled in this political mess. in etw. verwickelt werden yearning There is a yearning for a peaceful world. Sehnsucht, Verlangen 204 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eig ntum des Verlags öbv