Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

to adjust Adjust the volume please, the music is too loud. anpassen 2 to drop sb. a line I have not seen her for a while but she dropped me a line when she went to Canada. jmdm. schreiben inevitably Inevitably , there will be hundreds of people who try to get a ticket. unvermeidlich hustle and bustle !*h0sl End *b0sl? At the beginning I had to get used to the hustle and bustle of a big city. hektisches Treiben, Trubel to catch a glimpse of We drove to the airport very fast, so I could only catch a glimpse of the new buildings along the road. einen Blick auf etw. werfen können quartier !ka6tje? Her quartier was just south of the river Seine. (Pariser) Stadtbezirk to dash Having to dash through the corridors is one of the things I hate most. eilen Check-out 1 introverted She is quite shy, I would even say introverted . introvertiert hypothesis (pl.: hypotheses) !haI*pOTEsIs? I think this explanation is just a hypothesis . There is nothing to prove it. Annahme, Hypothese 2 skyrocketing Skyrocketing fees will prevent tourists from going to this small island. in die Höhe schießend loan !lEUn? Getting a mortgage loan just got a little bit harder. Kredit loan default Loan default means that you are unable to pay back what you have borrowed from a bank. Kreditausfall to crack down on The police cracked down on drug traffickers. hart durchgreifen tangible assets !*txndZEbl *xsets? As there were no tangible assets the company was closed down. Sachvermögen to hover !*hOvE? The helicopter hovered above the building. schweben crucial !*kru"Sl? The crucial point is whether we will be willing to pay. wesentlich laid-off worker The entrance was blocked by laid-off workers who wanted to show their anger about the mismanagement of the company. entlassener Arbeiter/ entlassene Arbeiterin college credentials !*kOlIdZ krI*denSlz? When he showed his college credentials he got the job immediately. Collegezeugnisse predatory !*predEtErI? Predatory colleges are colleges that care most about making money. hier: (raff)gierig tuition fee !tju"*Isn fi"? Unfortunately, the tuition fees were raised by 30 per cent. Studiengebühr loan scheme The new loan scheme will help students from poorer families to go to universities. Kreditprogramm economic prospects The economic prospects are very bleak. wirtschaftliche Aussichten 3 internship My first internship was so disappointing. I only had to prepare coffee for the others. Praktikum intern !*Int3"n? As an intern you might be able to gain valuable experiences for your future career. ein/e Praktikant/in 4 to reimagine sth. !+ri"I*mxdZIn? Before we start working on the details we should reimagine the whole organisation. sich etw. neu vorstellen, etw. neu erfinden sliding-scale tuition Due to sliding-scale tuition , fees are affordable for everyone. an die Einkommensverhältnisse angepasste Studiengebühren applicant !*xplIkEnt? All applicants received an email from the admissions officer. Antragsteller/in Exam preparation Reading 1 undernutrition !+0ndEnju"*trISn? Both undernutrition and overnutrition are forms of malnutrition. Unterernährung coronary He had severe coronary artery disease. das Herz betreffend stroke She suffered a minor stroke back in 2006. hier: Schlaganfall undernourished !+0ndE*n0rISt? It’s said Americans are overfed and undernourished . unterernährt to pinpoint sth. It’s difficult to pinpoint the season’s best movies. etw. genau feststellen to hamper Carter said in an interview yesterday that the bill won’t hamper the dairy industry. behindern, erschweren metabolic Genetic defects can trigger metabolic diseases. den Stoffwechsel betreffend in a bid to The athletes took their cases to court in a bid to gain Olympic selection. mit der Absicht, etw. zu tun/ erreichen 2 to reel Farmers reel under low onion prices taumeln 203 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv