Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

V to enrol The first step is to enrol at a university. sich einschreiben surge of interest !s3"dZ Ev *IntrEst? Universities up and down the country have registered a surge of interest in science courses. Zunahme an Interesse drained After caring for her old relatives for years she seems to be drained . I think she needs a holiday. leer to crave sth. !kreIv sth.? Many people participate in reality TV shows because they crave attention. etw. begehren to defer Her operation was deferred because of an infection. zeitlich verschieben to vet The applications were vetted by the admissions officer. (über)prüfen mould !mEUld? She is a rebel and does not fit the mould . Form to pursue !pE*sju"? I have been pursuing this hobby for many years. (ein Ziel) verfolgen to craft She sang elegantly crafted songs. (an)fertigen, gestalten to adhere to sth. !Ed*hIE tU? It is better to adhere to standard procedures when you start a project. etw. anhängen pitfall I suggest we talk about possible pitfalls before you start. Fallstrick, Fallgrube ample There was ample opportunity to try something new. reichlich, ausgedehnt prior to Prior to the race we had to register. (be)vor exhausted He had worked so much during the holidays that he was really exhausted when school started again. erschöpft due to All this was due to the fact that he did not get on well with girls. wegen to be beneficial to This programme was beneficial to all students who needed help and could not afford it. von Vorteil sein für legitimate !lI*dZItImEt? Taking a year off is perfectly legitimate if you are only 18 years old. gerechtfertigt to refute sth. !rI*fju"t sth.? The Mayor refuted the plan to close the local school. etw. anfechten 3 superior He had to inform his superiors immediately. Vorgesetzte/r to be undecided She was undecided whether she should go to law school or do a business course. unentschlossen sein Applying for university 1 to apply for Before you apply for university, consider taking a gap year. einen Aufnahmeantrag stellen admissions officer You will have to send your application to the admissions officer of the university of your choice. Zulassungsbeauftragte/r (z.B. an einer Universität) 2 placement My first placement was with a bank in the City. hier: Praktikum career aspirations My career aspirations are very clear; I want to become a doctor. Karrierevorstellungen well-rounded student A well-rounded student is a personality that is fully developed in all aspects. vielseitige/r Studierende/r pile Outside their house they have a pile of wood for the winter. Stoß to enthuse about !In*Tju"z E*baUt? Sometimes it is not a good idea to enthuse about things nobody else is interested in. sich ergehen über, schwärmen von concise !kEn*saIs? He gave a concise presentation of the main aspects of the course. knapp, präzise, kurzgefasst deal-breaker The deal-breaker was that she was a single mother, and so she didn’t get the job. Aspekt, der einen Geschäfts- oder Vertragsabschluss verhindert 3 authentic !C"*TentIk? Authentic English is what we are aiming for. echt, authentisch Adult education 1 funding !f0ndIN? Three big companies provided enough funding to run the course. Finanzierung 2 to transfer !trxns*f3"? Surprisingly, many students wanted to transfer to a new college after the first few weeks. wechseln to bother He had a lot of problems at school, but he didn’t seem to bother . sich Sorgen machen um accommodating He was not responsible for us but he was very accommodating and helped us a lot. entgegenkommend pastoral care !*pA"stErEl keE? Pastoral care is one aspect that helps immature students to cope. persönliche Betreuung well worth considering Returning at once is well worth considering . wert, bedacht zu werden 3 requirement One essential requirement is a good command of English. Voraussetzung Spot on language 1 plumber !pl0mE? The drain pipe was blocked and so I had to call a plumber . Installateur/in to call on He called on us to help him clear the driveway. heranziehen snobbery It is a sign of snobbery if you do not greet your friends. Snobismus 202 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv