Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Spot on language 3 fatigue !fE*ti"G? Fatigue syndrome takes its toll in US Müdigkeit, Ermattung orator He was a highly gifted orator and inspiration to many. Redner/in Check-out literary dystopia Critics agree that The Time Machine by H.G. Wells is a literary dystopia . negative literarische Vision, Dystopie 1 bondage Peasants rescued from bondage from a landlord’s private prison are happy to return to their families. Hörigkeit, Knechtschaft shackled Shackled at the hands and feet, he stood silently in his blue prison jumpsuit. gefesselt to hold sb. at gunpoint Once inside, he held her at gunpoint and demanded her money. jmdn. mit einer Schusswaffe bedrohen concubine !*kONkjUbaIn? King Rama had 77 concubines and was well respected by the people. Liebhaberin, Mätresse atrocity !E*trOsEtI? We have taken all steps to ensure that they do not face any atrocity . Abscheulichkeit, Gräueltat enslavement Four men and one woman have been arrested for their alleged part in the enslavement of at least 24 men. Versklavung animist tribe In the early 19 th century, considerable missionary activity concentrated on the animist tribes . Volk, das glaubt, dass die Dinge der Natur beseelt oder Wohnsitz von Geistern sind militia The photos show militia members in paramilitary uniform brandishing weapons and saluting in formation. Milizarmee mutilation !+mju"tI*leISn? The mutilation of pets for cosmetic reasons has been made an offence. Verstümmelung Achilles tendon One of his Achilles tendons had been severed, leaving him unable to put his heel on the ground. Achillessehne to convert About 150,000 Confederate soldiers converted or were baptised during the war. hier: zu einer anderen Religion übertreten to hobble After her accident she had to use crutches and was hobbling for weeks. hier: humpeln, hinken directive The sport’s ruling body has issued a directive to the tournament’s eight remaining teams. Anweisung, Anordnung to combat A new campaign is aimed at combating bullying and cyberbullying in schools. (be)kämpfen human trafficking There is a severe lack of knowledge and awareness about human trafficking . Menschenhandel Lifelong learning vocational !vEU*keISEnl? She enrolled in a vocational school to become a plumber. Berufs- participation Audience participation is always welcome. Teilhabe, Teilnahme 2 faculty !*fxkltI? The building on the left is the Faculty of Letters. Fakultät (Sparte einer Universität) faculty member As a faculty member you have a key for the outside door. Mitglied der Fakultät School alternatives 1 national curriculum As a teacher you have to follow the national curriculum . nationaler Lehrplan deprived Deprived children need extra care and encouragement. benachteiligt Department for Education The Education Secretary is the head of the Department for Education . Unterrichtsministerium to prioritise !praI*OrItaIz? The music industry seems to prioritise singing over song writing. einer Sache den Vorrang geben, priorisieren fundamental flaws !+f0ndE*mentl flC"z? I think the new education policy has fundamental flaws as it neglects deprives children. grundlegende Fehler charter schools Charter schools are governmentfunded but do not have to obey the rules and regulations set out by the government. Schulen mit einem speziellen Statut 3 rigid rule !*rIdZId ru"l? The new headmaster introduced rigid rules to come to terms with disciplinary problems. unveränderliche, starre Regel Opportunities: Taking a break 2 to plunge The nation plunged into a fierce civil war. hineinspringen treadmill !*tredmIl? Many people try to escape the treadmill of a 9 to 5 routine. Tretmühle to formalise !*fC"mElaIz? The new party platform was formalised just before the meeting. offiziell machen, formalisieren Unit 10 201 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv