Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

V Politically correct education 1 ideology These should be inalienable rights that every human is entitled to regardless of religion, ideology , race or gender. Weltanschauung, Ideologie sexual orientation There are far too many instances in schools of bullying due to sexual orientation . sexuelle Orientierung, Ausrichtung senior citizen New data shows the need for senior citizen services like food support is rising. ältere/r Mitbürgerin/-bürger womyn !*wImIn? I enjoy my Womyn ’s Studies major at Bennington. feministische alternative Schreibweise des Wortes women , mit der die Endung -men vermieden wird to lack a formal education Lacking a formal education , he worked extra hard to overcome that shortcoming. keine formelle Bildung haben mail carrier A mail carrier has earned recognition as a hero for saving the life of an elderly woman whose house had caught fire. Briefträger/in tag cloud Another way to visually display these results is in a tag cloud . Schlagwortwolke 2 legal compliance review A legal compliance review will provide an indepth review of your organisation. Überprüfung, ob etw. den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen entspricht criterion (pl.: criteria) !kraI*tIErIEn? A city official said four or five businesses fit that criterion . Beurteilungsmaßstab, Kriterium timber He was engaged to put up roof timbers for a house and employed a carpenter to help him. Bauholz conflagration It could easily blow up and turn into another worldwide conflagration . Großbrand, Feuersbrunst AIDS-ridden According to an Indian newspaper, an AIDS-ridden village close to New Delhi faces isolation. von AIDS geplagt chastity !*tSxstEtI? She travels the country delivering the message of chastity to secondary school students. Keuschheit, sexuelle Enthalt- samkeit abstinence School districts are required to present abstinence as the only reliable way to prevent pregnancy. Enthaltsamkeit, Zurückhaltung to resonate with To their credit, they found an issue that resonated with voters. Anklang finden bei culprit The culprit could get a year in prison and a hefty fine. Missetäter/in, Übeltäter/in inaccurate Their forecast was both inadequate and inaccurate . ungenau, unrichtig to sanitise sth. This contradictory, ambiguous and complex version is far more appealing to me than the sanitised one . hier: etw. zensieren bland Options are crucial; otherwise we would have a bland and robotic society. mild, reizlos to purify sth. Today’s sermon offers worshippers tips on purifying their souls. etw. veredeln, reinigen to intrigue sb. The mysteries of the underwater world have intrigued me since I was a teenager. jmdn. faszinieren, neugierig machen 3 book banning The school board is reconsidering its book banning policy. Verbot von Büchern challenged book Student and faculty volunteers read aloud from a banned or challenged book of their choice for 15minute periods. Buch, das vom Verbot bedroht ist to infringe on sb.’s rights !In*frIndZ sb.´s raIts? The men argued that the instruction infringed on their rights to freedom of religion. jmds. Rechte verletzen to file a complaint against sb. Eight families have filed a complaint against officials after their houses were destroyed over a land dispute. eine Beschwerde gegen jmdn. einreichen deemed critical of sth. Another new law lets the president ban any publication deemed critical of the government. als kritisch gegenüber etw. erachtet to take offence against sb./ sth. Other patients took offence against the woman. sich von jmdm./etw. angegriffen fühlen The role of politics 2 mutually !*mju"tSUElI? We decided to invest in this mutually beneficial hydropower project. gegenseitig, für beide Seiten leftover relic Others say she could be a leftover relic of the stone age. übriggebliebenes Relikt 3 to negotiate sth. The employees went on strike in order to negotiate a new contract. etw. ausverhandeln boost £12.3 million boost promised for fishing industry Auftrieb, Verstärkung 4 applicable to !*xplIkEbl tU? These offers are only applicable to all new individual bookings made in the US and Canada. anwendbar, zutreffend 200 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv