Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Of quotas and alibis quota An increase in west coast haddock fishing quotas has been criticised for not going far enough. Anteil, Kontingent 1 derogatory !dI*rOGEtErI? Comments that are derogatory , attack other users or contain profanity or racism will be removed. abfällig, abwertend fateful The Titanic disaster will be dramatised in a fourpart TV series, exactly 100 years since its fateful maiden voyage. schicksalhaft, verhängnisvoll mating ritual Deep bellows mark the koala mating ritual . Paarungsritual to appal sb. What he saw – people being treated on the ground and even in barns – appalled him . jmdn. entsetzen, erschrecken to gatecrash The couple gained notoriety by gatecrashing a state dinner at the White House in 2009. ungebeten erscheinen hideous !*hIdIEs? There seemed to be no doubt that he was guilty of hideous crimes against innocents. abscheulich, grässlich betrayal It never occurred to me for a minute that I could be the subject of betrayal . Verrat to equal No female vocalist has ever equalled the richness of that voice. gleichkommen, gleichziehen highly-strung Since her first appearance at the audition stage, the highly-strung singer has seriously divided opinion. überempfindlich journo (coll.) As a journo , I grew up with old newsroom typewriters. Journalist/in left-leaning media The new programmes triggered an avalanche of disapproval from left-leaning media critics. Medien, die mit linksgerichteten Parteien sympathisieren jilbab !dZIl*bA"b? The jilbab is worn by Muslim women and covers the whole body but not the hands, feet or face. islamisches Kleidungsstück für Frauen preponderance !prI*pOdErEns? A preponderance of the evidence supports the court’s finding that the mother neglected her children. hier: Überwiegen, Vorherrschen tactician It doesn’t take a master tactician to figure out how to attack the Oakland Raiders’ defense. Taktiker/in; Person, die taktisch klug vorgeht bigot !*bIGEt? Muslim woman threatened by gunwielding bigot religiöse/r Eiferin/Eiferer pundit !*p0ndIt? Pundit predicts election by December 15 Kommentator/in to flatter sb. David Beckham has admitted that he is flattered by the interest shown in him. jmdm. schmeicheln hypocrisy !hI*pOkrEsI? The whole world feels outraged by their hypocrisy and double standards. Heuchelei, Verstellung, Vortäuschung burden !*b3"dn? Incinerating hazardous waste will only add to the toxic burden of our region. Last, Bürde fake The beautiful watch he gave her for her birthday turned out to be a fake . Fälschung CRE (= Commission for Racial Equality) The Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) was a nondepartmental public body in the United Kingdom. britische Institution, die sich für Rassengleichheit einsetzte coincidence A series of emergency landings at Guam Airport within a month is being described as pure coincidence . Zufall Caucasian The man is described as Caucasian of medium build and wearing white slipon shoes. hier: hellhäutig biased !*baIEst? Is the electoral system biased in favour of Labour? parteiisch exaggerated “That fear is exaggerated ,” he was quoted as saying. aufgebauscht, übertrieben puppet on a string “Jim was a puppet on a string ,” she said. “He was shoved around like a monkey.” Marionette to intervene A teenage Good Samaritan was stabbed when he intervened in a fight outside a pub last night. einschreiten, sich einmischen 2 token woman Scarlett is making a point of not being the token woman in the movie. Quotenfrau, Vorzeigefrau tenure !*te+njUE? After seven years I was finally granted tenure . hier: feste Anstellung at the cost of Why do TV shows compete with each other at the cost of viewers? auf Kosten von bouquet Creating a bouquet that will delight its recipient is simple. hier: Blumenstrauß hothouse Windset Farms is one of the largest hothouse tomato facilities in the United States. Gewächshaus stenographer’s pad The book is unconventionally bound not on the left but rather the top, like a stenographer’s pad . Stenografieblock to perk the coffee I was hired to operate the giant steam pots that perked the coffee beans into liquid. Kaffee machen daisy Most interviewees did not know the difference between a daisy and a daffodil. Gänseblümchen 199 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des V rlags öbv