Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

V microbe !*maIkrEUb? Microbes help to speed up the process of decay. Kleinstlebewesen, Mikrobe 2 food label Food labels should also provide information on all the substances contained. Aufschrift zur Lebensmittel­ kennzeichnung Spot on language 1 cardiac Many people in Western countries die of cardiac arrest. Herz- 2 genetics Genetics is a science that does not only deal with genetic modification. Genetik mental abilities His mental abilities can be compared with those of an eightyearold child. geistige Fähigkeiten heredity !he*redEtI? Genetic information determines heredity . Erblichkeit, Vererbung linearly Linearly means in one line. linear chromosome !*krEUmEsEUm? A chromosome is an organised structure of DNA and protein which can be found in cells. Chromosom core The core of a chromosome has a distinctive structure. Kern double-stranded helix The DNA molecules are arranged in a double-stranded helix . zweisträngige Helix to encapsulate The copyright information was encapsulated in the data of the picture. einkapseln, enthalten DNA sequence DNA sequences are examined to find matching DNA samples. DNS-Abschnitt Check-out 1 encryption !In*krIpSn? Encryption technology helps to protect your privacy. Ver- und Entschlüsselung to encode Sensitive attachments are encoded before they are sent. verschlüsseln to decode The recipient needs special software to decode the attachment. entschlüsseln whistleblower The law gives little protection to whistleblowers who feel the public has a right to know. Enthüller/in 2 miracle seeds Miracle seeds is a term often used by biotech companies to promote their products. Wundersamen fabulous property Some of these plants are said to have fabulous properties . fantastische Eigenschaft drought-resistance !draUt-rI*zIstEns? Drought-resistance is a very important trait because it protects the plants against long periods without rain. Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber Trockenheit salt-tolerance Plants with high salt-tolerance can be used in desert areas. Toleranz gegenüber Salz trait The scientists found traits in the unknown seeds they’d never come across before. Eigenschaft biotech seeds !*baIEUtek si"dz? Biotech seeds are not grown naturally but developed in labs to match certain criteria. biotechnisch hergestellte Samen 3 to employ Many different methods are employed to enhance the properties of seeds. hier: einsetzen, verwenden pinhead The insect was the size of a pinhead . Stecknadelkopf to replicate !*replIkeIt? Scientists often want to replicate what they have seen in nature. wiederholen, replizieren boundary !*baUndErI? People are often tempted to cross the boundaries of their limited world. Grenze 4 blank slate I must have appeared to my new colleagues as a blank slate because nobody knew anything about my past. unbeschriebenes Blatt pluripotent !+plUErI*pEUtEnt? Stem cells are pluripotent because they can develop into various types of cells. fähig, sich in mehrere Richtungen zu entwickeln capability !+keIpE*bIlEtI? The police just did not have the capability to launch a counter attack. Vermögen, Potenzial womb !wu"m? The new human egg is implanted in the womb . Schoß, Mutterleib foetus !*fi"tEs? Today foetuses can be operated on before they are born. Fötus bone marrow Bone marrow donors are very rare. Knochenmark to regenerate For older people it takes much longer to regenerate than for young ones. regenerieren versatile !*v3"sEtaIl? Some stem cells are extremely versatile . wandlungsfähig Ideals and reality 1 insignificant It doesn’t matter how insignificant people think the information is, it could prove vital. unbedeutend to bridge a gap !brIdZ E Gxp? We’ve finally bridged the gap between music technology and social media. eine Lücke schließen 2 to evolve Languages evolve constantly, they never stay the same. sich (weiter)entwickeln Unit 9 198 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv