Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

The genie is out of the bottle. With the spreading of nuclear technology the genie is out of the bottle . Der Geist ist aus der Flasche. coward !*kaUEd? Don’t be a coward , jump from the balcony! Feigling avatar Avatars are often used in computer games. virtuelle Figur, Avatar 3 drawback The only drawback was that he had to get up very early. Nachteil surveillance !s3"veIlEns? Surveillance cameras can be found in most public places. Überwachung to observe Before you install CCTV cameras the legal regulations have to be observed . beobachten to publish The exam results will be published next week. veröffentlichen to track Internet users can be tracked easily. (Spuren) verfolgen to monitor With our new technology customers can be monitored inside and outside the shopping centre. überwachen to have under surveillance Are employers allowed to have employees under surveillance without letting them know? unter Beobachtung halten to witness My mother witnessed the first uprisings when she was a child. Augenzeuge/-zeugin sein/werden to hack Their new webpage was hacked and only displayed a funny quote instead of the usual information. hacken (Computer) eyewitness The story is written like an eyewitness account. Augenzeuge/-zeugin onlooker !*On+lUkE? Onlookers got the impression that their relationship was flawless. Betrachter/in TV/media/web coverage The media coverage has been heavily influenced by her lawyer’s statements. Fernseh-/Medien-/Internet- Berichterstattung guidelines New guidelines were introduced by the Assistant Commissioner. Richtlinien guiding principle The guiding principle must be to cater for all groups of society, not just the rich or the poor. Leitsatz to tackle the problem It’s no use talking, let’s tackle the problem . ein Problem angehen Genetic engineering: Medicine 2 breakthrough Einstein’s theory of relativity was a scientific breakthrough . Durchbruch ingredient !In*Gri"djEnt? You can get the ingredients for this cake at your local market. Zutat tissue !*tISju"? The use of animal tissue in the treatment of humans is highly contested. Gewebe versatility !+v3"sE*tIlEtI? What I like about this artist is his versatility . Vielseitigkeit to elude !I*lju"d? The suspect eluded the police for more than a month. sich entziehen to pave the way for This decision paved the way for women to enrol at universities. den Weg freimachen für to be fused with !bI fju"zd wID? In this scifi movie a man’s DNA is fused with that of an insect. verbunden werden mit to rewind The clock was fast, so I had to rewind it. zurückdrehen cascade !kx*skeId? After the first few days a new stage starts with a cascade of chemical as well as biological processes. Kaskade fertilised A fertilised human egg can develop into a foetus. befruchtet to expose sth./sb. to sth. They were briefly exposed to radioactive substances. etw./jmdn. etw. aussetzen to assess !E*ses? It is difficult to assess the outcome. beurteilen 5 to deny I do not deny that I was highly critical of his approach. leugnen Genetic modification: Food maize !meIz? Genetically modified varieties of maize have caused a lot of anxieties. Mais soybean !*sCIbi"n? Soybean is also used to feed animals. Sojabohne canola !kE*nEUlE? Canola is harvested to produce oil. Raps sugarbeet Sugarbeet growers in the US have recently formed an organisation to promote their commom interests. Zuckerrübe alfalfa !xl*fxlfE? Alfalfa is a flowering plant in the pea family which is cultivated in the US to feed cattle. Luzerne squash Native Americans introduced the early settlers to squash , a plant they had not known before. Kürbis to be inserted into In microbiology genetic information from one plant is inserted into the genes of another plant. eingefügt werden to breed The farmers in the area breed Highland cattle. züchten trait !treIt? Important traits of one plant should be transferred to other plants. Eigenschaft, Charakterzug 197 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv