Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

V Science and technology 1 leap He made the leap from online nerd to serious artist. Sprung mankind This invention was a big step for mankind . Menschheit fertiliser !*f3"tIlaIzE? Fertilisers are used to make plants grow faster. Dünger blood circulation This drug has an adverse effect on your blood circulation . Blutkreislauf double helix !d0bl *hi"lIks? The DNA structure is the prime example of a double helix . Doppelhelix 2 ground-breaking The money will be used to fund ground-breaking cancer research. epochal, bahnbrechend innovative !*InEvEtIv? The most innovative product will win a prize. innovativ cutting-edge Cutting-edge technology is used in smart phones. topaktuell, auf dem neuesten Stand disastrous The impact of the floods proved to be disastrous . katastrophal (un)desirable The amount of waste that is created by tourists is highly undesirable . (un)erwünscht advanced The most advanced system today is outdated tomorrow. fortgeschritten to bring about change The new support scheme brought about change very quickly. Wandel herbeiführen to develop into Many villages developed into tourist hotspots in the last five years. sich entwickeln to benefit from Not everybody can benefit from new inventions because many people cannot afford to buy them. profitieren von to threaten The terrorists threatened to blow up the old tower. drohen to transform !trxns*fC"m? Computer technology transformed life in the 1980s and 1990s. umwandeln to exterminate !Ik*st3"mIneIt? The local authorities need to take steps to exterminate infested rats. auslöschen prospect !*prOspekt? The prospects for permanent peace in the Middle East are very slim. Aussicht prediction The prediction is that the numbers will rise rapidly. Vorhersage population growth Countries like China have to combat population growth to avoid disasters. Bevölkerungswachstum life expectancy Due to advancements in medicine life expectancy in Western Europe has risen considerably. Lebenserwartung space exploration Space exploration was one of the main goals of the Kennedy administration in the 1960s. Raumforschung destruction The war ended with the destruction of the city centre. Zerstörung Surveillance and the media: Identity and privacy 2 nimbus !*nImbEs? She felt she could practically see a nimbus of light around her head. Heiligenschein, Nimbus dawn At dawn the train started moving. Morgendämmerung gallows The two criminals ended on the gallows . Galgen explicit The first three scenes of the film are very explicit . deutlich, eindeutig, explizit footage Emails and video footage put him under a lot of pressure. Filmmaterial broken-necked Outside the embassy the police could only see three broken-necked corpses. mit gebrochenem Genick witness The shopkeeper was the only witness of the robbery. Zeuge, Zeugin acquaintance !E*kweIntEns? She is not a friend, she is just an acquaintance . Bekanntschaft to disseminate Information can nowadays be disseminated through various channels. verteilen revulsion !rI*v0lSn? The revulsion the picture created could be felt throughout the country. Abscheu hypocritical !+hIpEU*krItIkl? I think her reaction was totally hypocritical . Who does she think we are? heuchlerisch oxygen mask !*OksIdZEn mA"sk? Oxygen masks are used in airplanes in case of emergency. Sauerstoffmaske tipping point Her silly remark was the tipping point . From then on the situation deteriorated rapidly. der Punkt, an dem etw. (um)kippt barb Stingrays have very sharp barbs that have poisonous glands for selfprotection. Stachel stingray Stingrays can easily kill people if they feel attacked. Stachelrochen bystander The bystanders were petrified and could neither move nor help. Zuschauer/in Unit 8 196 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv