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Marketing to children 1 impact BBC cuts will have little impact on viewers, an insider says. hier: Beeinflussung, Auswirkung 2 to bypass the law There are some individuals that are bending and bypassing the law because of their position in society. das Gesetz umgehen dubious claim !*dju"bjEs? That may sound like a dubious claim if you only watched England’s first game. zweifelhafte Behauptung savoury snack I often crave a little savoury snack when I get home from work, something to munch on while preparing dinner. pikante Knabberei 3 advocate !*xdvEkEt? She joined the Peace Corps and continues to be an advocate for the environment. hier: Fürsprecher/in to customise sth. We have customised the product for the region and individual markets. etw. individuell anpassen to accumulate !E*kju"mjUleIt? Their music video has hit the jackpot as it has accumulated over a million views within just three days. hier: ansammeln, anhäufen fabulicious !+fxbjU*lISEs? fabulicious = fabu lous + de licious extent A new atlas published last month shows the alarming extent of climate change. hier: Maß, Ausmaß restriction The Department of Agriculture will lift restrictions on imported onions. Beschränkung, Einschränkung Spot on language 1 economic rebound If you looked at the overall auto market, you would think we were experiencing an economic rebound . hier: wirtschaftliche Wende to nab sb./sth. More than 100 nabbed in biggest ID theft bust in US history jmdn./etw. erwischen, etw. schnappen 2 to spend on status The man had money to spend on his hobby and money to spend on status . in seinen Status investieren to soothe !su"D? Economists said the report soothed shortterm fears that the US could be entering another recession. beruhigen, besänftigen marital asset Marital assets are generally subject to equitable distribution on divorce. eheliches Vermögen pending divorce Do you think it’s time for the couple to make a statement about their split and pending divorce ? laufendes Scheidungsverfahren demise !dI*maIz? Following the demise of another failed relationship she met Michael. Sturz, Untergang good credit score Keeping up on credit card debt is an important part of maintaining a good credit score . gute Kreditwürdigkeit 3 marketers What solves the marketers’ need to connect with the modern consumer? Marketingexperte/-expertin to charm sb. Have you ever considered charming him into adoring you? jmdn. bezaubern elaborate Her elaborate display of rare books is second to none. aufwändig ka-ching When he heard Tom’s story, his eyes went ka-ching . Ton einer Registrierkasse, Anspielung auf Geld verdienen techie !*tekI? Techie arrested in railway eticket fraud Technikfreak Check-out 3 scammer Scammers often ask you for a bit of personal information, including your birth date or social security number. Schwindler/in, Betrüger/in hacker Early in this memoir, the WikiLeaks founder recounts his days as a teenage computer hacker . Datenpirat/in trustworthy Blushing makes you more trustworthy , a new study says. vertrauenswürdig, zuverlässig red flag Dutch media raise red flag on tax structuring Warnsignal unsolicited !+0nsE*lisitId? A stop was put to unsolicited commercial calls from telemarketers that have troubled mobile users for years. unaufgefordert dearly Strikes cost workers dearly hier: teuer emotive Life in the kitchen can be hot, stressful, emotive and even aggressive. gefühlsbetont, emotional impassable In heavy rains and with the sinking road the route becomes treacherous and impassable . unwegsam, unpassierbar proof Darlene Varley is living proof that the key to beating cancer is research. Beweis to mislead sb. She says that the media have been misled into believing the claims made by the officials. jmdn. in die Irre führen 195 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv