Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

V to linger somewhere !*lINGE *s0mweE? The itch to write, however, has always lingered in the background. verweilen, bleiben to lure sb. somewhere !ljUE sb. *s0mweE? Investigation continues into girl lured into prostitution jmdn. wohin locken 3 chore Getting the household chores done is not on the top of anyone’s fun list. lästige Pflicht to lurk at !l3"k xt? It lurked at the end of the email message, under the main text, and just below the signature. lauern, sich versteckt halten to toss sth. Tossed cigarette sparked 200 Wellesley fire etw. werfen, schleudern toddler Baby and toddler groups cater for a wide range of parents and carers. Kleinkind impulse buy We’ve all been victim to making an impulse buy that we’ve later regretted. Impulskauf enticing A more enticing destination for our weekend trip could hardly be imagined. verlockend pasta aisle !*pA"stE aIl? I hit the pasta aisle , and saw about twelve different kinds of sauces. Gangreihe im Supermarkt mit Nudelprodukten whole-wheat I love the texture of couscous, especially the whole-wheat variety. Vollkorn over-indulging He was open about his weakness for junk food – and over-indulging . Übergenuss mindless If you’re ten and a girl, then you might like the new music group “ Mindless Behavior”. sinnlos, geistlos 4 at a fraction of the price Wares could be produced at a fraction of the price in the Far East. um einen Bruchteil des Preises basic necessity The province’s infrastructure is not a luxury but a basic necessity . Grundbedürfnis bleak financial times Schools face bleak financial times . trostlose finanzielle Zeiten charity shop Swap designer glamour for charity shop chic and save hundreds! Wohltätigkeitsgeschäft lifeline Spain hand Scots a Euro lifeline Rettungsleine retail sales figures When you look to Australia, the latest retail sales figures were better than expected. Verkaufszahlen to face hard times As the years went by, there were signs the industry would soon face hard times . harten Zeiten ins Auge sehen car boot sale Bargain hunters were heading to a car boot sale in South Staffordshire on Sunday. Flohmarkt Shop ’til you drop 1 closet (AE) That dress in the back of the closet will become fashionable once again. Kleiderschrank odds Your odds of hitting a deer are 1 in 1116. Wettchance, Gewinnquote 2 retail store Google picked London for its first retail store last month. Einzelhandelsgeschäft to generate Millions of visitors generated billions for Shanghai over the holiday period. hier: (Umsätze) erzielen to kick off sth. Breast cancer month will be kicked off later this week. etw. beginnen, starten royalty I’ve never really understood the fascination with British royalty . hier: Königshaus, Königtum perennial !pE*renjEl? Perennial plants have the potential to come back year after year. wiederkehrend red-letter day Red-letter day for blues fans – Justin Bieber in town again! Tag, der im Kalender rot angestrichen wird to stir a debate Both events are stirring a debate about national identity. eine Diskussion anregen virtual goods The online game company’s primary business is selling virtual goods . virtuelle Waren press coverage The stories contrasted with the British press coverage in the aftermath of the murder. Berichterstattung backed up by statistics A higher dropout rate does not appear to be backed up by statistics . durch Statistiken untermauert retail federation According to the National Retail Federation , seven in ten Americans plan to celebrate Halloween this year. Vereinigung der Einzelhändler/ innen shipment Norfolk firm fined over illegal waste shipment to India Lieferung moratorium !+mOrE*tC"rIEm? Costa Rica is holding on to a moratorium on oil and gas exploration in its waters. Stillhalteabkommen, Stopp to coincide with The event coincided with nationwide protests in support of the demonstrations in New York City. zusammenfallen mit target Many analysts say the target is unrealistic, given the decaying infrastructure. Ziel 3 fraud !frC"d? Katie Price became the latest celebrity victim of ID fraud . Betrug 194 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv