Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

to prosecute sb. for sth. The police officer was prosecuted for fraud. jmdn. wegen etw. strafrechtlich verfolgen to claim benefit Immigrants have the right to claim social benefits . Beihilfen in Anspruch nehmen sob story (coll.) Trying to gain our sympathy, she came up with some unrealistic sob story about her past. rührselige Geschichte to get sb. down Her difficulties at school really got her down . jmdn. deprimieren to get behind As they got behind with their payments, they were given warning. in Rückstand geraten to get on I think you should stop this and just get on with your life. weitermachen to let sb. off The police let them off immediately when they found out who they were. jmdn. laufen lassen to get through They had got through their money much faster than expected. durchbringen to get at sth. I didn’t know what she was getting at when she started talking about my mobile phone. auf etw. abzielen Big money to part with sb./sth. Williamson parted with his first wife about ten years ago. sich von jmdm./etw. trennen cloth !klOT? Carolyn arrived first, dressed in a spectacular suit of purple French cloth . Stoff, Tuch 1 affluent !*xflUEnt? The United States has ten times more affluent households than China or India. wohlhabend bank statement Sometimes the transaction does not even appear on the bank statement . Kontoauszug bankrupt This party is bankrupt politically as well as economically. bankrott bargain The summer sales are on – it’s time to hunt for bargains ! Schnäppchen broke (coll.) The largest German private bank went broke in June 1974. pleite gross/net income Her gross income is $95,000 a year including a $20,000 annual bonus. Brutto-/Nettoverdienst hard-up Hard-up families need help, not patronising platitudes. in Geldnot, knapp bei Kasse income tax Top rates of income tax vary considerably within Europe. Einkommenssteuer inheritance !In*herItEns? Police alert over mail inheritance fraudsters Erbschaft instalment Each eligible member can borrow $20,000, payable in three years in equal monthly instalments . Rate interest (rate) The interest rate cut came too soon. Zinsen prosperous !*prOspErEs? Europe can still have a prosperous future. erfolgreich, wohlhabend refund BC Ferries offered refunds on expired prepaid return tickets. Rückzahlung, Rückerstattung stingy !*stIndZI? Get stingy on Halloween! geizig, knauserig the root of all evil He wrote books in which he declared greed to be the root of all evil . die Wurzel allen Übels 2 analogous to The process is analogous to highdefinition television (HDTV), he said. vergleichbar, entsprechend zu likewise Likewise , corporations have lifespans – some are long, others are short. außerdem, ferner conversely Conversely , foods with unsaturated fats such as olives and salmon can have the opposite effect. umgekehrt Spend it, spend it, spend more 1 market research That data is driven by consumers – the people who populate market research studies. Marktstudie interviewee !+IntEvjui"? Potential employers may not ask the interviewee about their race. Interviewte/r to act on impulse People sometimes just can’t help acting on impulse . spontan handeln to compile the results I’m in the process of compiling the results and judges’ comments. die Resultate zusammenstellen 2 brand French luxury brand Hermes has launched a limited edition Indian sari range. Markenname bulk product The building is being leased by Integrico to store bulk products . Schüttgut, das in den Laderaum eines LKWs geschüttet (und nicht verpackt) wird cash register They only got away with an empty cash register . Registrierkasse loyalty card Launch of a new loyalty card scheme coming soon! Kundenkarte, Treuekarte profitable !*prOfItEbl? How to build a profitable blog: developing a design and theme gewinnbringend to contemplate sth. I contemplated retirement and didn’t cope with it very well. nachdenken, etw. in Erwägung ziehen Unit 7 193 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv