Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

V in less than polite terms The driver told the police what he thought of them in less than polite terms and was given a fine. in wenig schmeichelhaften Worten, unhöflich to comply As he didn’t comply , he was arrested. sich fügen fine Instead of going to prison he had to pay a fine . Geldstrafe to persist in doing sth. He persisted in abusing the police officers. nicht aufhören etw. zu tun to issue a fixed penalty notice for £80 for failure to He was issued a fixed penalty notice for £80 for failure to leave the restaurant. eine Geldstrafe von £80 ausstellen wegen nicht … to dispose of litter Many people dispose of their litter outside their homes because they are too lazy. Abfall wegwerfen 2 to trash The head office was trashed by demonstrators. zerstören acre Just outside New York they bought a sevenacre property. der Morgen (~ 4047 m 2 ) mayhem !*meIhem? The demonstrators caused mayhem in the streets. Chaos to paraphrase Paraphrase this passage in your own words, please. umschreiben, paraphrasieren to be at a loose end ! bI xt E lu"s end? After his Alevels he was at a loose end . nicht wissen, was man tun soll to come face to face with sth. In the jungle the tourist came face to face with a tiger. direkt mit etw. konfrontiert werden give and take Theirs was a give and take relationship. Geben und Nehmen to take one’s cue from sb. She took her cue from her elder sister and joined a choir. jmds. Beispiel folgen to take sth. up At the age of thirteen he took up sailing. mit etw. beginnen to crash sth. The police crashed the door to get in. hier: (mit etw.) durchbrechen rave !reIv? They did not miss any of the raves in the area. Rave-Party to blame sb. for sth. The teacher was blamed for their poor results. jmdm. die Schuld für etw. geben thrill at What is the thrill at driving around in cars at high speed? Nervenkitzel bei to inhabit This area was first inhabited by Celtic tribes. bewohnen encounter Their first encounter ended in a disaster; they did not get on well at all. Begegnung bartering They traded through bartering rather than money deals. Tausch(-Handel) to come naturally to sb. He did not practise a lot, it came to him naturally . jmdm. natürlich zufallen to growl !GraUl? Hew would growl at me if he was angry. brummen, knurren to elbow one’s way somewhere She elbowed her way to the beginning of the queue and did not apologise to the other passengers. sich unter dem Einsatz der Ellbogen den Weg bahnen disaffected Disaffected teenagers can be very dangerous for the fabric of our society. unzufrieden, entfremdet to opt out of sth. Opting out of all kinds of social activities can a sign of depression. bei etw. nicht länger mitmachen leisure !*leZE? The leisure industry was very successful last year. Freizeit interaction The interaction between the two partners was rather strange, they hardly spoke to each other. Wechselwirkung, -beziehung on one’s own terms You can arrange your working hours on your own terms . auf jmds. eigene Art, zu jmds. eigenen Bedingungen interlocutor !+IntE*lOkjUtE? The interlocutor started the oral exam with a question. Gesprächspartner/in to fail to They failed to pay the bills and so the electricity was switched off. verabsäumen to heap praise upon sb. He was so pleased with her performance that he heaped praise on her . jmdn. mit Lob überhäufen sufficient !sE*fISnt? There is sufficient evidence that he was the robber. genügend amiable !*eImjEbl? She has developed into an amiable young person. liebenswert malleable !*mxlIEbl? Young children are extremely malleable . formbar parental interference !pE*rentl +IntE*fIErEns? There are times when teenagers have to grow up without parental interference . Einmischung durch die Eltern unrestrained by They could do whatever they wanted, unrestrained by their parents. uneingeschränkt von autistic Many autistic people have other extraordinary qualities. autistisch to tune out Before I realised, she had tuned out completely. abschalten Check-out 1 to deliver a short presentation Just deliver a short presentation , not more than five minutes please. eine kurze Präsentation halten objective Before you start you should define your aims and objectives . Ziel 3 to get away with sth. I don’t think he will be able to get away with that. mit etw. davonkommen What has got into you? I don’t understand. What has got into you? Was ist in dich gefahren? 192 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv