Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

to wield !wi"ld? In spite of her illness she wielded her daily routines without any problems. handhaben schedule !*skedju"l? The schedule had to be changed because their flight was delayed. Zeitplan to work 9 to 5 The good thing about his retirement was that he did not have to work 9 to 5 any more. ganztags arbeiten recession Due to the recession they lost their jobs. wirtschaftlicher Rückgang moan They could only hear their dog’s moans , but they could not see him. Ächzen, Stöhnen to owe !EU? He still owes me fifty pounds for the ticket. schulden to stalk off When he saw that I was not prepared to help him he stalked off . davonstolzieren to mutter away She didn’t even look at me as I was muttering away about a chance missed. dahinmurmeln to brush oneself down After having slipped on the pavement she brushed herself down and got up. sich zurechtmachen me-self (coll.) me-self = myself 3 charity event They decided to organise a charity event for the homeless. Wohltätigkeitsveranstaltung inspiration They got their inspiration from a book by James Joyce. Inspiration potential benefactor The two approached me as a potential benefactor but I could not help them. mögliche/r Wohltäterin/Wohltäter to contribute to Many people contributed to the first show. beitragen zu (good) cause You can donate the money for a good cause . (gute) Sache Rebellion and response 1 parliamentary debate on The parliamentary debate on genetically modified food will be broadcast on Channel 5 tonight. Parlamentsdebatte über dignified Dignified care for the elderly is often lacking. würdevoll considered He did not react spontaneously but in a considered way. hier: bedacht articulate !A"*tIkjUlEt? She is a clever, articulate girl who does not hesitate to voice her opinion. wortgewandt to recall sth. I do not recall having seen her. sich an etw. erinnern to thrust The young actress was thrust into the limelight. drängen, stoßen overstretched The forces were overstretched and could not react. überbeansprucht to mount The jeep mounted the pavement and hit a pedestrian. hier: hinauffahren pavement Hollywood stars left their imprints on the pavement . Gehsteig at speed The car crashed into the shop window at speed . mit hoher Geschwindigkeit deliberately Nobody would do anything like that deliberately . absichtlich instinct She followed her instinct and picked up the baby at once. Instinkt to be covered in After her morning run her shoes were covered in mud. bedeckt sein mit to administer CPR (cardio- pulmonary resuscitation) In spite of the fact that a doctor immediately administered CPR , the patient died within minutes. Herz-Lungen-Reanimation durchführen to no avail He tried to brake but to no avail , he crashed into the tree. vergeblich vigil !*vIdZIl? Local residents held a vigil outside her house. Nachtwache (zum Gedächtnis an ein Ereignis/eine Person) to diffuse Before things got out of hand the situation was diffused . hier: zerstreuen, entschärfen to disperse The crowd dispersed quickly after the speech. (sich) zerstreuen immediate justice The people demanded immediate justice , but they could be prevented from setting fire to the house. unmittelbare Gerechtigkeit to rise to the occasion He did not rise to the occasion , rather he failed miserably instead. der Aufgabe gewachsen sein in the wake of In the wake of WW II many people left the country. infolge des/der Spot on language to give sb. a hand Why didn’t they give him a hand ? He was totally helpless. jmdm. helfen It’s really pissing me off! (coll.) Their unruly behaviour really pisses me off . Das kotzt mich wirklich an! to reconsider sth. I think we should reconsider our policies. etw. neu überdenken offence It is regarded as an offence if you insult someone in the street. Vergehen to retrieve !rI*tri"v? His wallet had fallen into the puddle, but he was lucky to retrieve it at once. hier: aufheben refusal Her refusal to stay forced him to leave as well. Weigerung 191 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv