Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

V conveyor belt !kEn*veIE belt? Henry Ford introduced conveyor belt production lines in his car factories. Förderband property consultant Their property consultant suggested buying a house in the suburbs. Immobilienmakler/in to work long hours Even at weekends she had to work long hours to earn enough money for her family. lange arbeiten 3 singleton As a singleton you can enjoy life to the full – so they say. Single stable relationship She has been living in a stable relationship for years. stabile Beziehung 4 implication The implications were that they could not leave before the trial had ended. Folge The American Dream 1 Secretary of State The US Secretary of State spoke at the opening session of the General Assembly. (US) Außenminister/in attainable !E*teInEbl? The aim of being a famous person is hardly attainable for the majority of people. erzielbar, erreichbar to impel Sympathy impelled me to give students a discount. (an)treiben civil rights activist He was a civil rights activist who fought for the rights of the black population. Bürgerrechtsaktivist/in to the max (coll.; AE) They would live their lives to the max without bothering about family and friends. bis zum Äußersten 2 downside One of the downsides of travelling is that you spend a lot of time away from your family. Nachteil, negative Seite 3 Reverend The Reverend spoke at the funeral. Geistlicher with respect to With respect to their ambitions I think they should be more modest. in Bezug auf persecution The pilgrims who went to America on the Mayflower wanted to escape religious persecution . (religiöse) Verfolgung creed !kri"d? His creed was to serve the customers to the max. Bekenntnis restriction They could surf the internet without restrictions . Einschränkung A day in my life 1 vulnerably housed people Vulnerably housed people are not really taken seriously in our society. Menschen in prekären Wohn­ verhältnissen, Obdachlose to be conceived as !bI kEn*si"vd xz? The festival was conceived as a launch pad for young artists. hier: konzipiert werden als to beg Unfortunately, even in the US many people have to resort to begging . betteln passer-by (pl.: passers-by) A passer-by saw the bank robbery and called the police. Passant/in to get by After his wife left him he had to get a second job to get by . über die Runden kommen 2 to drag one’s feet (fig.) If someone is dragging their feet , they are taking too long to do or finish something, usually because they don’t want to do it. herumtrödeln issue !*ISu"? Have you got last week’s issue ? hier: (Zeitungs-)Ausgabe vibe(s) !vaIb(z)? The guitarist picked up the vibes and played accordingly. Ausstrahlung, Stimmung to bounce The ball bounced back from the wall. springen pitch Every street trader had to pay a fee of £5.00 for their pitch . hier: Stellplatz (z.B. eines Straßenverkäufers/einer Straßen- verkäuferin) cup people The cup people waited for donations outside the meeting. Leute mit Spendenbehältern cheeky grin He had a cheeky grin on his face when he left the club. freches Grinsen wave The starlet gave us a wave and blew us a kiss. Winken side by side The two sisters stood there side by side . nebeneinander to grab She grabbed me by the hand and led me out of the room. schnappen traitor Everybody regarded the resistance fighters as traitors . Verräter/in with a twinkle in one’s eye With a twinkle in my eye I signalled him to stop. mit funkelnden Augen appreciation !E+pri"SI*eISn? The CEO showed his appreciation for his workforce by raising their bonuses. Wertschätzung to chatter away The two bodyguards did not see me because they were chattering away about some football match. dahinplaudern to spurt out The girl spurted out the sentences she had heard. hier: heraussprudeln to hurry on by They were just hurrying on by without looking at each other. vorbeilaufen 190 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv