Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Volunteering 1 voluntary work In many countries voluntary work is mandatory for the upkeep of vital services. freiwillige Arbeit 2 to donate !dEU*neIt? Even school children donated their pocket money to help. spenden to volunteer After the storm half the village volunteered to help repair the damages. freiwillig mitarbeiten crisis relief Crisis relief programmes provided the financial backbone of the operation. Krisenhilfe volunteer Volunteers helped to clear the roads after the landslide. Freiwillige/r non-profit sector After a successful business career he moved into the non-profit sector to help the homeless. Gemeinwirtschaft single-handedly Nobody helped him, so he had to turn the company round single-handedly . (ganz) allein the ills and disparities of society To address the ills and disparities of society should be an important objective for every entrepreneur. die Fehler und Ungleichheiten in der Gesellschaft to make it worth one’s while As soon as you start to show solidarity this will make it worth your while to invest more and more time. sich für jmdn. lohnen to go that extra step I think large supermarkets should go the extra step to support green policies. besonderen Einsatz zeigen immeasurable !I*meZErEbl? Their example has had an immeasurable influence on the whole school. unermesslich to break down barriers Breaking down barriers between the various ethnic groups seems to be an uphill task. Barrikaden niederreißen compassion For terminally ill people showing compassion is all we can do to help. Mitgefühl to right a wrong He tried to right his wrong , now he’s behind bars unjustly. ein Unrecht wiedergutmachen 3 to devote to Since his early teenage years he has devoted most of his spare time to developing new outdoor games for children. widmen Personal freedom 2 to cohabit !kEU*hxbIt? Cohabiting means that you live together with a partner without being married. zusammenleben to launch a career The upcoming CEO launched his career with our most prominent competitor. eine Karriere starten on record The first person on record to climb this mountain was George Herbert Leigh Mallory, a British mountaineer. aktenkundig, offiziell metropolitan People in the metropolitan area of Tokyo have got used to occasional earthquakes. urban, zur Stadt gehörig to be stigmatised !bI *stIGmEtaIzd? In restaurants single mums are often stigmatised , sitting alone at a table with their children. abgestempelt sein to pity sb. for sth. They were pitied for not having time to go on holiday. jmdn. wegen etw. bemitleiden titular Robert Downey, Jr. stars as the titular character in the film Sherlock Holmes . titelgebend a force to be reckoned with The new anarchist party is a force to be reckoned with in the next general elections. eine Macht, mit der man rechnen muss to overturn sth. The high court overturned the government plans to raise new taxes. etw. kippen, auf den Kopf stellen dated The faded colours made the painting look dated . veraltet, altmodisch despondent !dI*spOndEnt? After a year of mourning for her late brother she was still despondent . mutlos, niedergeschlagen to live life to the full He was a person who would live life to the full , enjoying every single day. das Leben in vollen Zügen genießen the last thing on one’s mind When he saw the fire the last thing on his mind was his date with Priscilla. das Letzte, woran man gedacht hat to juggle sth. Executives face the challenge of juggling their family lives and their careers. etw. jonglieren to bump into sb. On the way back I bumped into Harry. It was quite a surprise since we hadn’t seen each other for years. jmdn. zufällig treffen, mit jmdm. zusammenstoßen all well and good OK, all well and good , but what shall they do now? alles schön und gut to dissolve The substances will easily dissolve in water. (sich) auflösen to weigh sth. up against sth. else He had to weigh his career up against his family life and then he decided to quit his job. etw. gegen etw. Anderes abwägen to step off When you step off the boat, please mind the gap. heruntersteigen, aussteigen 189 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv