Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

V to sustain sth. !sE*steIn sth.? The budget should focus on providing assurance that the government policies will sustain growth. etw. aufrecht erhalten groundwork Thirdgrader lays groundwork to be famous like Miley Cyrus Vorarbeit, Fundament Spot on language 1 underestimated Suicide rates may be underestimated , experts warn. unterschätzt Check-out 1 interconnectedness The task of business leaders is to think again about interconnectedness and interdependence. Vernetzung instant communications In an era of mass and instant communications , we aren’t really communicating. Echtzeitkommunikation asset China’s foreign assets are denominated in US dollars. Gewinn 2 grassroots charity group BeCAUSE is a grassroots charity group that raises awareness of domestic violence. basisdemokratische Wohltätig­ keitsorganisation civil society Civil society consists of organisations and institutions that help and look after people, their health and their rights. bürgerliche Gesellschaft committed People now seem to be more committed to spending than to saving. engagiert, hingebungsvoll credible Labour must become tougher in order to be credible . glaubwürdig, glaubhaft enactment In response to the enactment of the important patent reform law the political party released a statement. hier: Inkraftsetzung, Verordnung 3 to launch sth. YouTube launches movies in the UK etw. einführen, starten complimentary Basketball fans from the region can receive two complimentary tickets to a Harlem Globetrotters game. hier: kostenlos, gratis The individual and society reputation !repjU*teISn? On the whole, charity organisations have a good reputation in the UK. Ruf shelter When we got into a thunderstorm, the people from the local farm gave us shelter . Obdach dependent on Many pensioners are dependent on public support schemes. abhängig von social conformity Some form of social conformity is needed to be accepted in the community. soziale Anpassung individual liberty Individual liberties were curbed as a consequence of the war on terror. individuelle Freiheit unresolvable Their conflict remained unresolvable because they were both stubborn. unlösbar 1 welfare state In a welfare state the basic needs of people are provided for by the state. Wohlfahrtsstaat social security Social security costs me 200 pounds per month. Sozialversicherung community service Instead of going to prison the starlet had to do twenty hours of community service . Dienst an der Gemeinschaft to meet a need This little shop could easily meet the needs of the local community. ein Bedürfnis befriedigen to fulfil one’s potential !fUl*fIl w0nz pEU*tenSl? In spite of all the support he got, he could not fulfil his potential . sein Potential ausschöpfen to make a contribution As long as everybody makes at least some contribution the situation will get better very soon. einen Beitrag leisten to impose sanctions Sanctions will have to be imposed on this regime soon. Sanktionen verhängen to provide a safety net The welfare state provides a safety net for those in need. ein Sicherheitsnetz zur Verfügung stellen consensus of opinion !kEn*sensEs Ev E*pInjEn? There is a consensus of opinion in our society that the people in need should be given support. Meinungsübereinstimmung, Konsens 2 congratulatory !kEn*GrxtjUlEtErI? A congratulatory approach can help avoid major problems. anerkennend, wertschätzend to show empathy Showing empathy gives people the feeling that they are accepted. Mitgefühl zeigen far-reaching These new measures will have a far-reaching effect on the way people deal with each other. weitreichend detached His reaction was very detached ; he did not show any emotions. distanziert inflammatory !In*flxmEtErI? The extremist speaker gave an inflammatory speech on the effects of multiethnic policies. hetzerisch, aufrührerisch Unit 6 188 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv