Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

ambassador Canada’s ambassador to the United States says a controversial oil pipeline should go ahead. Botschafter/in 1 perception As we grow older our perceptions on life or things in general changes. Auffassung, Wahrnehmung to thrive Thriving farm now run down Erfolg haben, gedeihen pressing Now we have a real opportunity and a pressing need for positive reform. drängend, vordringlich agenda She complained that the agenda for the conference had not been published in time. Tagesordnung to step in A radio station has stepped in to provide a fireworks display and live music. sich einschalten, einspringen capacity The president lacks the capacity and the necessary preparation to lead such a complex country. hier: Leistungsfähigkeit to deploy sth. More helicopters will be deployed to assist in the rescue. etw. einsetzen, aufbieten conclusive The coroner’s report is out but it is not conclusive . schlüssig, überzeugend negotiation His background has given him a wealth of experience in contract negotiation . Verhandlung to entail There is a common perception that taking measures to preserve the environment will entail extra spending. mit sich bringen, zur Folge haben reconciliation !+rekEnsIlI*eISn? Despite her scepticism, she believes reconciliation is possible. hier: Versöhnung, Aussöhnung transition China faces huge political and economic transitions . Übergang, Wechsel to pursue sth. Thereafter he pursued his career, focusing on US business immigration law. nach etw. streben to invigorate sth. !In*vIGEreIt sth.? The new curriculum has invigorated teaching. etw. stärken, beleben proliferation !prEU+lIfE*reISn? It is one of the West’s biggest nuclear proliferation nightmares. starke Zunahme concerted The construction industry called for concerted government action on economic growth this week. vereinbart, abgestimmt disarmament Will nuclear disarmament be good for the economy? Abrüstung scourge !sk3"dZ? Racism remains a global scourge . schlimmes Übel, Geißel visionary (adj.) My visionary idea is a series of recovery guidelines for patients. vorausschauend, weitblickend proactive Campus officials are proactive with regard to recent threats to student safety. die Initiative ergreifend to empower sb. By empowering them , we help them to develop the necessary skills. jmdn. ermächtigen, bevollmächtigen 3 salvation Writing is my salvation , my means to place myself in an imaginary world. Heil, Erlösung to be a cinch (coll.) !bI E sIntS? There’s 8 GB RAM installed, so multitasking is a cinch . ein Klacks sein to stem Pumping station flooding stemmed from broken pipe hier: stammen, abstammen valiant !*vxljEnt? His effort had been valiant , but he was running out of time. tapfer, heldenhaft shout-out (coll.) I thought it appropriate that we give a shout-out and applaud his efforts. öffentliche Dankesbezeugung Seeds of peace 2 seed 76,000 seed packets have been distributed among citizens. Same spirit The entrepreneurial spirit isn’t just about money. Geist, Gesinnung common ground According to conference attendees, there is more common ground than one might assume. gemeinsame Basis to overcome sth. It included speakers who have overcome their challenges and reached their goals. etw. überwinden, überstehen bunk Before he retires to his bunk in the container, he checks the weather forecast. Koje unique !ju"*ni"k? Uranus is unique among all the planets of the solar system. einzigartig foreign correspondent She made a name for herself as a foreign correspondent for The Independent . Auslandskorrespondent/in weighty issue Backpack overload weighty issue for families (ge)wichtiges Thema to fund sth. Rather than lawyers the money could have funded three years worth of new books for a threatened library. etw. finanziell fördern donor An anonymous donor pledged $5,000 to the Schools Foundation to start up a scholarship. Spender/in to hoist a flag up the pole They hoist a flag up the pole at the side of the river. eine Flagge hissen mistrust This decision has deepened the public’s mistrust of politicians. Misstrauen 187 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv