Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

V Check-out 1 to be devoted to This card showed that he was still devoted to his former wife. ergeben sein One world 1 to establish sth. Branches have been established in Brussels, Hong Kong, Germany, the Channel Islands and Spain. etw. einrichten, ins Leben rufen to maintain sth. New Zealand will maintain its focus on changing the tax system and getting government debt under control. etw. aufrechterhalten, bewahren to promote sth. The scheme will be promoted by a digital marketing campaign. etw. unterstützen, vorantreiben humanitarian problem We have a humanitarian problem that will not go away quickly. humanitäres Problem to come into existence The project was started even before the environment ministry came into existence . ins Leben gerufen werden to ratify a charter !*rxtIfaI E *tSA"tE? Gambia has also ratified the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. eine Gründungsurkunde in Kraft setzen assembly We are going to have an assembly whereby all the girls will be able to pay their tributes and their respects. Versammlung permanent/non-permanent Malloy said he planned to lay off more than 4,700 state workers, starting with non-permanent positions. dauerhaft/nicht dauerhaft intergovernmental Reschovsky focuses his research on tax policy and intergovernmental relations. zwischen Regierungen fully recognised state Over sixty years later these people still have no fully recognised state . voll anerkannter Staat The Holy See The Holy See is convinced that if we want peace, it is necessary to adopt courageous decisions. Heiliger/Apostolischer Stuhl sovereign !*sOvrIn? John Paul II reigned as the Pope and Sovereign of the State of the Vatican City for almost 27 years. Herrscher/in obligation A new regulation was passed deleting the obligation to retire at the age of 65. Verpflichtung admission No child will be denied admission to schools in the capital. hier: Zulassung, Aufnahme interdependent Nations were so economically interdependent that war would damage the winner as much as the loser. voneinander abhängig veto !*vi"tEU? If they use their veto , it will put them in a very bad light. Einspruch ally !*xlaI? Their ally today is the internet where free thought flourishes. Verbündete/r fluctuate !*fl0ktjUeIt? Vegetable prices fluctuating , fruits costlier schwanken, unbeständig sein adequate 1056 out of 2255 schools are not making “ adequate yearly progress” under the law. angemessen, entsprechend to annihilate sth. The game is set in a world that has been annihilated by some form of disaster. etw. auslöschen, zerschlagen multilateral Erasmus Multilateral Projects provide support for cooperation of higher education institutions. mehr als zwei Vertragspartner/- innen betreffend 2 armed conflict Five more nations have officially committed themselves to ending their armed conflicts . bewaffnete Auseinandersetzung ethnic conflict The country was plunged into ethnic conflict that claimed some 300,000 lives. Auseinandersetzung, die die Kultur- und Lebensgemeinschaft einer Volksgruppe betrifft to settle a conflict I ordered officials in the area to help settle the conflict amicably as soon as possible. eine Auseinandersetzung beilegen to declare war on sb./sth. X Factor’s Gary Barlow has declared war on fellow judge Kelly Rowland. jmdm./etw. den Krieg erklären to avert sth. Averting another Great Depression has come with a price. etw. abwenden, verhindern to aggravate sth. !*xGrEveIt sth.? His ankle injury is understood to have aggravated his hip problems. etw. verschärfen, verschlimmern The United Nations at work Secretary-General I served the Board for four years before my appointment as Secretary-General . Generalsekretär/in chief administrative officer As proposed, the chief administrative officer will report to the Common Council. leitende/r Verwaltungs­ beamtin/-beamter public figure I’ve become a public figure , but I don’t want to be one. öffentliche Person term The President seeks a second term amid uncertain economic times. hier: Amtszeit to succeed sb. He was succeeded by his longtime vicepresident. jmds. Nachfolge antreten Unit 5 186 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum d s Verlags öbv