Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

4 to approach sb. They approached me with an offer I just couldn’t refuse. an jmdn. herantreten for good He wants to leave for Australia for good . I will miss him. endgültig, für immer 5 approach The new approach was far more reassuring than the way in which immigrants had been treated before. Zugang United States: An immigrant’s long journey 2 sporadic Last summer we only saw sporadic bush fires on our land. sporadisch permanent resident Permanent residents have almost the same rights as US citizens. Person mit unbegrenzter Aufenthaltsgenehmigung to get married civilly As we are not religious in any way, we got married civilly in Las Vegas. standesamtlich heiraten to grow on sb. At first we did not really like her, but after a while our daughterinlaw grew on us. jmdm. ans Herz wachsen commitment Living with your parents also means the commitment to care for them when they are old. Verpflichtung, Bindung real estate When the real estate bubble burst in the US a lot of houses were repossessed and people lost their homes. Immobilien- 5 economic migrant !+i"kE*nOmIk *maIGrEnt? Economic migrants want to raise their standard of living. Wirtschaftsmigrant/in to stay in hiding Even though their legal status had changed they stayed in hiding in order not to face any further difficulties. versteckt bleiben pace of life In the first two months after their arrival they could not cope with the pace of life in their new home country. Lebensrhythmus UK: Living together separately 1 senior official I met a senior official at the head office where I wanted to make my complaint. höhere/r Beamtin/Beamter Liverpudlian !+lIvE*p0dlIEn? A person who is a native of Liverpool is called a Liverpudlian . Bewohner/in von Liverpool martial artist !*mA"Sl *A"tIst? Martial artists very often practise Asian types of sports like Karate or Taekwondo. Person, die eine Kampfsportart betreibt 2 enlargement The enlargement of the EU created a new market for their products. Vergrößerung UK: Immigration 1 to bask in sth. Almost everyone likes to bask in a bit of stardom. sich in etw. sonnen to encompass His career in music encompassed works of two centuries. umfassen bold It was a bold move to turn back and leave. kühn skin pigmentation Skin pigmentation disorders are frequent during pregnancy. Hautpigmentierung innumerable The forming of the new state violated innumerable UN resolutions. unzählig a drain on sth. The economic conditions led to an unexpected drain on the welfare system. eine Belastung für etw. unprecedented !0n*presIdEntId? People left the country because of an unprecedented outbreak of violence. noch nie dagewesen to deteriorate !dI*tIErIEreIt? Her health deteriorated rapidly. sich verschlechtern polarisation The tensions among the three big ethnic groups led to a polarisation that nobody had expected. Polarisierung to abandon sth. Before things get out of hand this strategy should be abandoned . etw. aufgeben to falsify sth. Their theories could not be falsified by the new series of experiments. nachweisen, dass etw. falsch ist, etw. falsifizieren invariably !In*veErIEblI? They have been trying to help the indigenous population, who are invariably the poorest section of society. unweigerlich, ausnahmslos disreputable You should not buy medicine from disreputable sources. verrufen census !*sensEs? According to the national census , the number of children born out of wedlock has increased. Volkszählung indifferent In spite of her emotional appeal the soldiers remained indifferent . neutral, gleichgültig matter-of-fact The speech was a matter-of-fact account of the situation. nüchtern, sachlich sincere He offered his sincere condolences to the family of his late friend. aufrichtig, ehrlich Spot on language 2 credentials !krI*denSlz? His credentials were flawless, but he could not live up to them. Referenzen 185 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv