Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

V diaphragm !*daIEfrxm? Common contraceptives are birth control pills, condoms and diaphragms . Diaphragma to enjoy sth. to the hilt You should fear nothing and enjoy life to the hilt every single day. etw. auskosten, voll und ganz genießen Nature or nurture? 1 to coo Children’s speech often sounds like cooing and bubbling. gurren to goo Generally grownups coo and goo when talking to babies. Babysprache nachahmen 4 irrational Irrational decisions are often driven by emotions. unvernünftig, irrational vacillating !*vxsIleItIN? After months of vacillating they agreed to buy the house. (hin und her) schwankend infuriating It is infuriating to see that people are still smoking in pubs despite the smoking ban. ärgerlich exasperating He can be so exasperating ! zum Verzweifeln Spot on language 1 to conceive I am sorry to say, but your plan is really badly conceived . entwerfen, konzipieren to concur with sth. Do you concur with this statement? übereinstimmen to subscribe to Subscribe to the newsletter and win a brandnew car! abonnieren, anmelden to retort to sth. I’d like to retort to the arguments of your last posting. auf etw. erwidern 3 to stutter The film The King’s Speech is about King George VI, who stuttered . stottern to scold Don’t scold him, he is not to blame. schimpfen, schelten to snarl Snarling dogs should be taken seriously, they probably don’t like you. knurren to sizzle Sizzle the steak on both sides – six minutes maximum should be enough. brutzeln to wriggle !*rIGl? She was so nervous about the exam results that she couldn’t stop wriggling in her seat. sich winden Check-out 3 momentous My college graduation was a momentous day in my life. wichtig, bedeutsam Migration 1 visa application Visa applications can only be handed in at the embassy in your country. Visumantrag residency Even though I had applied for it twelve months ago I got my residency only recently. Aufenthaltsgenehmigung to be extradited !bI *ekstrEdaItId? Illegal immigrants to the US are extradited and may not return for a long time. ausgewiesen werden to be refused asylum !bI rI*fju"zd E*saIlEm? In spite of many human rights violations in his home country, he was refused asylum and had to return. kein Asyl gewährt bekommen bureaucracy !bjUE*rOkrEsI? Because of all the bureaucracy involved, I could hardly get down to the work I was supposed to do. Bürokratie border controls Border controls at airports were tightened in the wake of terrorist threats. Grenzkontrollen to guard sth. The building was heavily guarded by French troops. etw. bewachen to exploit sb. Illegal immigrants are often exploited by their employers because they have no legal status and cannot complain. jmdn. ausbeuten 2 alien The technical term for foreigners in the UK is alien . Fremde/r to cross hurdles Asylum seekers have to cross many administrative hurdles in order to be granted asylum. Hürden überwinden to be granted asylum It is not universally accepted that political refugees should be granted asylum . Asyl gewährt bekommen Canada: Immigrants welcome 2 to vacation Mum was vacationing in Russia when she got my call. Urlaub machen clientele !+kli"A"n*tel? He serves a middleclass clientele and he is not cheap. Kundschaft, Klientel ethnocentric An ethnocentric approach excludes all other ethnic groups. beschränkt auf eine Ethnie, ethnozentristisch in retrospect In retrospect , I have to say that this was the best decision of my life. im Rückblick client base The doctor’s client base were mainly immigrants from European countries. Klientel Unit 4 184 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv