Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

2 to raise money The coffee morning raised money for Macmillan Cancer Supports services. Geld aufbringen ozone layer The stratospheric ozone layer protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Ozonschicht to compile Montrose officials are compiling data from a recent household survey. zusammenstellen Check-out 2 inconvenient The meetings are at a very inconvenient time. ungelegen, ungünstig to suspect An offduty officer shot at a vehicle after suspecting criminal activity early Friday morning. verdächtigen, vermuten 3 urbanisation !+3"bEnaI*zeISn? Urbanisation causes complex environmental problems concerning energy supply, water and sanitation. Landflucht, Verstädterung wild daffodil The trail winds its way through meadows dotted with wild daffodils . wilde Narzisse soil Traces of plutonium turned up in soil samples. Ackerboden landslide All major roads have been partly or completely blocked due to landslides . Erdrutsch in the pipeline There is also a new album in the pipeline , which will be in English. in Vorbereitung, in Planung Gender issues 1 bias !*baIEs? Let’s make peace and live together without bias and prejudice. Voreingenommenheit to be on a par with sth./sb. Radiation levels in Fukushima were on a par with Chernobyl. sich mit etw./jmdm. messen können obsolete Some of today’s new technologies will soon become obsolete . veraltet, überholt anthropology You can study anthropology at the University of Vienna. Anthropologie, Lehre vom Menschen disparity Social disparity might soon lead to unrest in developing countries. Ungleichheit to be domesticated Horses were first domesticated on the Arabian peninsula 9,000 years ago. domestiziert, gezähmt; häuslich werden to be submissive I’ve always wondered why he is so submissive towards his boss even though he’s got more experience than him. unterwürfig, gehorsam sein suffrage movement !*s0frIdZ *mu"vmEnt The women’s suffrage movement demanded equal rights for all women. Suffragettenbewegung 2 to be assumed by sb./sth. Many lowpaid jobs are assumed by foreigners. von jmdm./etw. angenommen werden virile !*vIraIl? Virile men are considered to be very attractive. männlich, viril TV and advertising 1 chattel In many war films, women are presented as mothers, chattels or prostitutes. persönlicher Besitz zany (coll.) Some Bollywood movies are absolutely zany . ulkig, verrückt predominantly Hollywood stars are predominantly white. vorwiegend 2 ink Hardly anybody writes their letters in ink these days. Tinte mink The mink is the most frequently farmed animal for its fur. Nerz Women in the 1950s 1 to allocate I am allocating the rations for our camping trip. zuordnen, zuweisen to gather Hunting and gathering were ways to find food in ancient times. hier: (Beeren etc.) sammeln bread-winner He is only 17 but already the bread winner of the family. Ernährer/in 2 forefather Hippocrates is the forefather of all medical doctors. Vorfahr, Ahn profound His problems at work were so profound that he had to find a new job. tiefgreifend, -gehend steamy That book is really quite steamy ! hier: erotisch to connect the dots The seminar promises to help connect the dots of life and be successful. Zusammenhänge herstellen amnesia !xm*ni"ZE? An almost universal amnesia befell Austria after the Second World War. Gedächtnisschwund, Amnesie to be relegated to The team lost the match and was relegated to the Second Division. verwiesen werden, verbannt werden MRS Mrs Smith is married to Mr Smith. verheiratete Frau Unit 3 183 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv