Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

V chlorofluorocarbon !+klC"rEU+flC"rEU*kA"bEn? A single chlorofluorocarbon molecule escaping from an old refrigerator can destroy 100,000 ozone molecules. Fluor-Chlor-Kohlen-Wasserstoff (FCKW) pollutant The pollutant numbers represent an average for pollutant levels over the past 24 hours. Schadstoff weather pattern This weekend features a weather pattern that looks more like one you would see in the winter months. Witterungsverhältnisse devastating This is a devastating blow to us. verheerend, vernichtend abruptly The car ahead of us stopped abruptly . schlagartig, unerwartet non-competitive This allows local firms to charge non-competitive prices. nicht wettbewerbsfähig toll The economic crisis has taken a heavy toll on us as well. hier: Tribut vein !veIn? A children’s hospital is using a new device that helps doctors and nurses locate veins for injections. Ader, Vene to be in denial about sth. Baby boomers in denial about their health in retirement etw. verleugnen 2 inflated This system allows you to know if, and when, your tires are underinflated . mit Luft gefüllt 3 patriot !*pxtrIEt? Those who knew him said he was a patriot in the purest sense of the word. Patriot/in, Vaterlandsfreund/in aviation industry !+eIvI*eISn *IndEstrI? The growth in the Chinese aviation industry is breathtaking. Flugindustrie to take a stand for sb./sth. We took a stand for freedom and fundamental human rights. für jmd./etw. Farbe bekennen, Stellung beziehen lentil mob They called climate change activists “the lentil mob ”. “Linsenmeute”; abwertende Bezeichnung für Umweltschützer/- innen to can sth. Largesize garbage bags canned hier: mit etw. aufhören, etw. einstellen to endorse sth. Endorsed by celebrities, the shoes have been a big seller. etw. befürworten runway Tiny airport blames presidential motorcade for ruined runway Start-/Landebahn to be cowed into sth. Michelle says she was cowed into believing she couldn’t do anything alone. jmdn. durch Einschüchterung zu etw. bringen out of hand Rather than dismiss all packaged accounts out of hand , it’s worth looking closely at the deals on offer. hier: kurzerhand NIMBY N ot i n m y b ack y ard! Nicht in meinem Hof/Garten! whinger !*wIndZE? If you say anything about referees, you’re portrayed as a whinger . Raunzer/in listed building The Grade Ilisted building will be taken off the English Heritage Register next year. denkmalgeschütztes Gebäude Sod them! (vulgar; BE) Sod them! We’ve really had enough of their constant complaints. Zum Teufel mit ihnen! Housing 2.0 1 urban area Urban areas are growing and people are living more closely together. Stadtgebiet population influx There are very few countries that could cope with a population influx like that. Bevölkerungszuwachs Internet of Things The Internet of Things is all about connecting objects to a network and enabling them to collect and share data. Internet der Dinge infrastructure Timing is critical when considering which infrastructure projects need to be prioritised. Infrastruktur congestion Drivers are losing an average of 10 days a year sitting in rush hour traffic and congestion on the daily commute. Stauung, Überlastung carbon footprint Chinese consumers have a carbon footprint of just 1.8 tons per year. CO 2 -Fußabdruck city-dweller Knowing exactly where your food comes from can be tough for a city-dweller . Stadtmensch high-density On one side of the train line is high-density housing. hohe Dichte besitzend to make for sth. Employers should care about the factors that make for workplace happiness. zu etw. beitragen skinny Skinny used to be a body type and now it's seen as an illness. mager, dünn woe To add to his woes , customers have been spending less. Leid Eco-friends 1 toxic Pet owners and farmers are being warned of toxic algae that could kill animals. giftig reliance on !rI*laIEns On? The reliance on investment to drive growth has to be looked at. Verlass auf 182 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv