Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

gutsy The reform was gutsy and came earlier than expected. kräftig, mutig 2 goatee beard I really like his goatee beard , it looks awesome. Spitzbart bemused Sorry, I can’t help being bemused . What made you change your mind again? verwirrt, irritiert interest The interest varies according to market conditions. hier: Zinsen collateral Collateral is a form of security to the lender in case the borrower fails to pay back the loan. hier: Sicherheit, Pfand plug socket We have six plug sockets in the living room. Steckdose guarantor He acts as guarantor for me, that’s very nice of him. Garant/in, Bürge/Bürgin recuperation I need some assurance of recuperation . I need to know if I get my money back. hier: Rückgewinnung lucrative That business I have just started is absolutely lucrative . gewinnbringend, lukrativ sub-standard I’m sorry for her, she lives in a shabby sub-standard apartment. Substandard, unter der Norm conviction “Our team will win the match!” said the trainer with absolute conviction . Überzeugung Spot on language to get into a habit Starting to work at 5 a.m. I got into the habit of drinking three coffees in the morning. sich eine Gewohnheit aneignen spellchecker Use the spellchecker control buttons in the text window. Rechtschreibüberprüfung Check-out 1 clutter-free My house is anything but clutter-free . frei von Gerümpel to be infested with sth. The little hut was infested with cockroaches. mit etw. verseucht sein reassuring It’s reassuring to know that I finally got the job. beruhigend Saving the planet 1 acid rain Acid rain causes respiratory problems in humans and damages metal and stonework. saurer Regen cause There are multiple possible causes of so many dead young seals washing ashore. Ursache caution !*kC"Sn? The Department of Transportation is advising motorists to use caution in construction zones. Vorsicht contamination Although there isn’t an immediate problem with seafood contamination it is important to maintain the monitoring. Verunreinigung, Verseuchung disposal Should the council offer more frequent hazardous waste disposal opportunities? Beseitigung, Entsorgung erosion Gold mining is polluting rivers and causing erosion in the country’s southern provinces. Erosion, Abtragung von Boden reckless A 91yearold man was arrested for reckless driving last night. leichtsinnig, fahrlässig sewage !*su"IdZ? Two sewage floods caused by nearby construction works have left the centre’s kitchen unusable for months. Abwasser urgency We will not support the government’s plan to pass legislation under urgency . Dringlichkeit 2 to turn/convert sunlight into energy Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy . Sonnenlicht in Energie umwandeln airflow I was impressed with the design of the fan and the gentle, even airflow it produced. Luftstrom Climate change 1 biodiversity !+baIEUdaI*v3"sEtI? There are a lot of concerns about the direct effects of climate change and ocean acidification on biodiversity . Artenvielfalt, Biodiversität to emit You have got to emit selfconfidence on the field. etw. absondern, ausstoßen exhaust fumes Diesel exhaust fumes linked to heart disease Auspuffgase fossil fuel Our massive fossil fuel consumption produces nasty side effects such as climate change or acidified oceans. fossiler Brennstoff glacier !*GlxsjE? Despite a cold summer with some snow at altitude Europe’s glaciers are still in retreat. Gletscher habitat The projects will improve the habitat for Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) in Kansas. Lebensraum (non-)renewable resources Renewable resources are hailed as the way forward. (nicht) erneuerbare Ressourcen Unit 2 181 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv