Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

V sectarian division Sectarian divisions still take place in many neighbourhoods in Israel. hier: Trennung von Stadtteilen nach gewissen Kriterien knight in shining armour When arriving back home from the war, he felt like a knight in shining armour . edler Ritter curfew An earlier curfew for children under 14 is being debated. Ausgangssperre to alienate Low standards of education could alienate children from school so that they lose their motivation. entfremden internment The managers demanded the singer’s internment in a drug rehab centre. Internierung hooding Hooding is a method of torture: A hood is placed over the entire head of a prisoner. Beinahe-Ersticken mittels einer Kapuze incessant This year’s incessant rain makes me crazy! ununterbrochen, unaufhörlich to fall on deaf ears I hope that my plea will not fall on deaf ears . auf taube Ohren stoßen squaddies (BE, coll.) Squaddies patrol the central train station every night. einfache Soldat/innen to maim sb. Every year, thousands of people get murdered or maimed in countless suicide bomb attacks. jmdn. verstümmeln to give sb. a thumping (coll.) I regret that I gave him a thumping the other night, but he had been provoking me for over three hours. jmdn. verprügeln to airbrush sth. Good programmes can airbrush imperfections in photos. hier: etw. beschönigen fringe I was on the fringe of success, but then – unfortunately – my plans didn’t work out. Rand notorious Bonnie and Clyde were two notorious American criminals. berüchtigt to be sandwiched between In this computer game you should avoid being sandwiched between the two teams. eingezwängt sein zwischen animosity We should fight against racism and animosity towards nonAustrians. Feindschaft to reminisce !+remI*nIs? In the winter, I often reminisce about the summer holiday fun I had with my friends. in Erinnerungen schwelgen vehemently I vehemently rejected his offer. vehement courtesy of !*k3"tIsI Ev? Courtesy of the event organiser, I got a free recording of Robbie Williams’ concert. freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt von ambush They were caught in an ambush 50 kilometres south of the capital. Hinterhalt to drive home the message The speaker really drove his message home , repeating his main point several times. etw. ausdrücklich betonen intelligence The national intelligence service operates very secretively. hier: Geheimdienstinformationen penetration In June 2001, the average level of internet penetration in EU households was around 36%. hier: Durchdringung to keep sb./sth. at bay The robber kept the police at bay with a gun for hours. jmdn./etw. in Schach halten stalemate !*steIlmeIt? A stalemate is a situation in which any further action is blocked. Pattsituation tortuous process Reaching the peace agreement has been a long and tortuous process . langwieriger Prozess to culminate Years of waiting culminated in a spectacular wedding ceremony in Westminster Abbey. gipfeln, zum Höhepunkt kommen Irish films: Once 1 rated If a film is rated 15, young people under 15 are not allowed to watch it on their own at a cinema. hier: bewertet charmer He’s such a charmer , but some women obviously like that. Charmeur, Schmeichler to steal away sth. This film stole away a record number of awards. hier: etw. einheimsen affecting It was really affecting to see how much these young children cared for their grandparents. bewegend careworn The film’s main character, Jack, is a careworn middleaged entrepreneur who works 60 hours a week. verhärmt, vergrämt busker All the songs of his new CD are influenced by his experiences as a busker and traveller. Sraßenmusikant/in stalled He wants to put the stalled project back on track. abgewürgt, verzögert chutzpah (Yiddish) !*hUtspA"? Success depends on a combination of preparation and chutzpah . Unverfrorenheit, Dreistigkeit, Chuzpe gorgeous !*GC"dZEs? The restaurant offers a gorgeous view of the lake. wunderschön, herrlich self-penned I like both the band’s music and their self-penned lyrics. selbst verfasst anchored After his years with an Indian guru, he was anchored in peace and harmony. verankert 180 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv