Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Vocabulary Words in blue: These words/phrases are the most important ones, the core vocabulary. You should learn them first. Words in black: These words/phrases are additional vocabulary, which will further help you to improve your language skills. Ireland 1 Celtic Tiger !*keltIk *taIGE? During the time of rapid economic growth from 1995–2007, Ireland was often called the Celtic Tiger . Keltischer Tiger shamrock/clover The threeleaved clover is the symbol of Ireland. Kleeblatt 2 incursion Over the centuries, Ireland could not resist the incursions of the British. Einbruch, feindlicher Einfall to conquer After Columbus’ arrival in the New World in 1492, the Spanish conquered the territories he had discovered. erobern to quell !kwel? The riot was successfully quelled . unterdrücken, niederschlagen to depose The dictator was deposed in 2004. absetzen to confirm Could you please confirm your email address? bestätigen uprising The nonviolent uprisings in Northern Africa ended the dictatorships in Egypt and Tunisia. Aufstand defeat Another defeat for our national football team would be a disaster. Niederlage to suspend His YouTube account has already been suspended . aussetzen, verschieben swearing-in We are all waiting for the swearing-in of our newlyelected prime minister. Vereidigung Home seen from abroad 1 to be pressed to do sth. Police pressed her to remember all the details. gedrängt werden etw. zu tun buzzard The buzzard is a bird of prey. Bussard to menace !*menEs? Duellists usually don’t menace anybody but each other. gefährden scooped We finally arrived at the valley of the James River, scooped out in a green wilderness of forest. ausgehöhlt blurred My memories of my grandgrandparents are very blurred . verschwommen, unscharf masoned gable This house has an extraordinary masoned gable . gemauerter Dachgiebel 2 to haunt For centuries, it has been believed that ghosts have haunted this old castle. heimsuchen, verfolgen torch The Statue of Liberty holds a torch in her right hand. Fackel famished I tried to run but I couldn’t because I was so exhausted and famished . ausgehungert five and dime At 15 he was already working in a five and dime to support his family financially. Billigkaufhaus to taunt sb. The student taunted the police after having been arrested. jmdn. verhöhnen, verspotten coffin ship Due to the long journeys and cramped conditions many Irish died on the way to America travelling with socalled coffin ships . Seelenverkäufer, reparatur- bedürftiges Schiff to prevail The prevailing hygiene standards in this restaurant are poor. vorherrschen The Troubles 1 paramilitary organisation A paramilitary organisation includes civilians who are trained in a military fashion. paramilitärische Organisation 2 to traduce sb./sth. He was traduced by the British press. jmdn./etw. verleumden fierce The students’ discussions about whether to go on a school leaving trip or not were fierce . heftig, erbittert to trigger Social cutbacks for the poor triggered street violence. auslösen mural Many tourists come to see the murals in Belfast. Wandmalerei, Wandbild to depict The first part of the film depicts an Indian street scene. darstellen to bring down the final curtain After more than 100 shows, it’s time to bring down the final curtain . etw. zu Ende bringen carpet slippers Please bring your own carpet slippers while staying at the youth hostel. Filzpantoffeln Unit 1 179 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv