Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

E Pictures In order to describe and analyse a picture and talk about its effect, you can follow these steps: 1. First impression: Describe your first reaction to the picture and what emotions you felt. Explain what the picture shows. If you have the information, state who created it, and when and why it was created. 2. Description: Describe in detail what can be seen in the picture. Mention the most important elements first, but do not forget the ones that are in the background. Comment on people’s body language and facial expressions and their relationship with each other. Say how light, colours and focus are used. 3. Interpretation: Try to answer these questions: What message is conveyed by the picture? Is it aimed at a particular target group? Did the person who created the picture intend it to have a certain effect on the viewer? If so, how is this achieved? 4. Evaluation: Say if you think the picture has the intended effect, and which elements are responsible for its success or failure. If it is a historical picture, compare the effect it must have had in its original context with the one it has now. Abkürzungen und Zeichen adj. AE BE coll. etw. adjective American English British English colloquial etwas fig. jmdm. jmdn. jmds. sb. bildlich, figurativ jemandem jemanden jemandes somebody sth. 1   = something Übung 1 ist das Gegenteil von ist verwandt mit entspricht 2 Useful phrases I was deeply moved by the picture because … . • My first thought when I saw it was … . • The photograph is shocking/disgusting/amazing/spectacular/special. • The picture reminds me of … . • It conveys the impression that … . • It was probably taken in/at … . • The people in the picture were not aware that the picture was taken. • The photograph was staged to achieve a certain effect. • It is a realistic picture. • The picture was painted by … . • It is a portrait/cartoon/still life/landscape/an oil/watercolour painting. • In the middle/centre of the picture there is … . • at the top/bottom • on the left/right • in the top left-hand/bottom right-hand corner • in the background/ foreground • There is a contrast between … . • … is clearly visible • The focus is on … . • The field size is a close-up/ medium shot/long shot. • The colours are bright/dark. • … is seen from above/below/the front/the back. • This creates a/an … atmosphere. • The light/colours/position of/expression of … elements contribute to … . • The artist aims to present … . • The picture is convincing because … . P 178 Exam preparation Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eig ntum des Verlags öbv