Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

• • Imagery: Conveying ideas with similes, metaphors, etc. makes the language more vivid and therefore memorable. • • Contrast: The presentation of two opposites creates a stronger effect. • • Rhetorical question: This kind of question is meant to stress a point rather than elicit an answer. • • Enumeration: Listing a series of details or examples helps to build up emphasis. • • Exaggeration: This can help to show strength of feeling. Working with visuals Visual elements, such as photographs, paintings, drawings, cartoons or diagrams have a strong effect on the viewer and can convey messages or be interpreted just like any text. Statistics and diagrams Diagrams can summarise information – sometimes from a large amount of data – using very little space. They often make it easier to read and understand the information. The type of diagram used (bar chart, pie chart, flow chart, line graph, etc.) depends on the main focus of the presentation. Before you interpret a diagram, look at it carefully, read the legend and make sure you understand all the information and the figures in the diagram. Tip • • The use of rhetorical devices can lead to a memorable effect, provided the techniques are not overused. T 1 Useful phrases As you can see from the diagram, … . • The chart/table/diagram shows/proves … . • The path of the curve reveals … . • It shows the development from 2016 onwards/an upward/downward trend/tendency. • … is reflected in the diagram. • data/figures • percentage/amount/number • ratio • majority/minority • one in ten • more/less/ fewer than … • compared/in comparison with … • similar/parallel development • While/Whereas … in 2006 … , by 2011 the number had risen/fallen/grown/increased/decreased/multiplied (by …). • gradually/dramatically/ notably • A slight/significant/abrupt/steady rise/fall/growth/increase/decrease/change is visible. • … reached a/an (alltime) peak/low • to lead to • as a result of • cause • effect • suggests a link/relation between … • … can be expected./is likely to occur. P 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 A pie chart shows percentages of 100%. A bar chart is used to compare figures directly. A line graph shows a development over a certain amount of time. A flow chart shows the links between elements and their influence on each other. It is best used to describe processes that contain decisions at certain points where alternatives need to be shown. 177 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv