Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

E Avoiding repetition In an exam somebody is going to read and judge what you have written. Good writing means writing that keeps the reader interested. One way to do this is to avoid using the same words and structures. If a word is repeated within one or two sentences it is best to try and replace it. This can be achieved by: • • using synonyms, especially for common verbs like do, make and get • • using different phrases Example: J A lot of people are convinced having a gun is OK, but I don’t think it is/don’t think so/disagree . • • using “ones” Example: J She bought three blue blouses and two pink ones . • • using subordinate clauses and participles or gerund to vary your sentence structure Example: J As soon as I got home, I checked my mail before having a shower and changing . Paraphrasing Paraphrasing is rewriting someone else’s ideas in your own words, which often also means expressing the ideas in simpler language and making the message clear to non-experts. Paraphrasing can also be useful when you do not know the exact word you need or when you need to explain concepts common in your mother tongue for which there are no good equivalents in English. It is different from summarising in that a summary is usually of the entire work (an essay, an article or even a book), while only a short section of a text is paraphrased. A good paraphrase is based on your understanding of the original text and the ability to restate it in your own words. Follow these steps to produce an effective paraphrase: • • Reread the original passage until you understand its full meaning. • • Set the original aside, and write your paraphrase on a separate piece of paper. • • Check your version with the original to make sure it contains all the essential information in a new form. Using rhetorical devices Rhetoric is the art of effective or persuasive writing/speaking and typically uses devices such as the ones below to engage and move the reader/listener in a variety of ways. • • Direct address: The use of “you”, “your” or “we” draws the reader/listener into the context. • • Imperative form: This results in a personal appeal to the reader/listener. Example: J Don’t put all your waste into one basket, separate paper from plastic and glass from metal! • • Repetition: Using a certain phrase or idea several times makes it stand out. • • Anaphora: Repeating a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses adds emphasis. Example: J Recycling saves energy and money. Recycling creates new jobs. Recycling reduces pollution. 2 3 Tip • • Use your own words and sentence structures in the paraphrase. Substituting synonyms without changing the sentence structure is not paraphrasing. • • When paraphrasing, you are allowed to change the style of the original writer or make it easier to understand for other readers, but the ideas remain the same. • • Very often it helps to paraphrase a noun phrase by using a verb phrase or a subclause. • • Never copy anyone else’s words unless you use quotation marks and give the source. T 4 176 Exam preparation Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv