Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

E Sample prompt: Paired activity You and your partner take part in a youth conference on environmental issues. Beforehand, you exchange your ideas on the topic. Discuss the following aspects: • recycling • food • transport • energy • pollution Decide which aspects you want to present together. Agree on three. metal glass plastic number concrete waste water electronic waste paper organic food food waste fast food fossil fuels nuclear wind renewable hydroelectric saving ships sharing trains lorries air traffic fossil fuels electricity cycling public transport slow food junk food allergies oceans fresh water air soil noise landscape space nuclear radiation climate change farming industry recycling food energy transport environmental issues pollution Useful phrases Paired activity (continued) Defending your point: That’s not what I was trying to say. My point is that … . • I see your point but I still feel that … . • That’s not quite what I mean. What I am saying is that … . Picking up someone’s statement: I would like to come back to/comment on what X said about … . • If I may just remind you of what X said … . • As we have just heard from … . Correcting misunderstandings: I am afraid there has been some misunderstanding. What I actually said was … . • That’s not quite what I meant by … . • Don’t get me wrong. What I meant was … . Introducing a new point: I would like to raise another point. • What we haven’t discussed yet is the question whether/if … . • We should also discuss what this means for … . Checking understanding: Do you really mean to say that …? • So, if I understand you correctly, … ? • What exactly do you mean by that? Giving evidence: Statistics/Surveys show … . • Most scientists now agree that … . • There is strong evidence that … . • I know this from first-hand experience. • I would like to draw your attention to the fact that … . Giving in (to some extent): Even if that is so, … . • That’s probably true, but … . • Possibly, but … . Arguing against something: I strongly criticise … . • I completely disagree with you on … . • I would question that argument. Giving an example: For instance, look at … . • Take … , for example. • Let me give you an example of what I mean by … . • To illustrate this point, … . P 172 Exam preparation Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv