Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

E 2. Body • • Develop your ideas step by step, e.g.: –– in chronological order –– from the least to the most important idea –– connect problems with solutions • • Back up your ideas with background information. • • Give examples to support your statements. • • Divide your speech into clear sections. • • Link the parts of your speech. • • Repeat and emphasise important ideas. 3. Conclusion • • Come to a convincing end, e.g. with one of the following: –– a short summary –– a rhetorical question –– a quotation –– a promise –– a call for action –– an appeal –– a look into the future • • Finish your speech with a clear statement. Sample prompt: Individual long turn • Compare and contrast the two pictures. • Discuss points for and against working in these areas. • Describe the job profile of your future dream job. Useful phrases Presentation Taking action: We have to ensure/see to it that … . • We should take care not to … . • We are prepared to/ determined to … . • to adopt a resolution • an unprecedented effort to serve the common good Dealing with problems: serious/pressing problems • to face/solve a problem/conflict • to overcome difficulties • to settle a conflict • to negotiate an agreement • to make a compromise • to promote reconciliation Looking into the future: In the near future … . • In the short/long term … . • In the long run … . • short/long-term solutions • We are hopeful/confident that … . • We are working to … . • We should take on new roles. P Tip Rhetorical devices enumeration • addressing the audience directly • structuring • imagery (e.g. simile, metaphor) • rhetorical questions • anaphora (beginning sentences in the same way) • alliteration • contrast (antithetical phrase) • appealing to the audience (e.g. imperatives) T 170 Exam preparation Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv