Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

E You have decided to comment on this blog post. In your blog comment you should: • outline your opinion on fair trade • explain why it makes sense/does not make sense to choose fair trade products • describe your own shopping habits Write around 250/400 words . b) Blog post • • A blog post is a very open text format which is used to publish entries on the internet. • • It is often used to express personal opinions rather than facts. • • When you write a blog you write for a potentially worldwide audience. • • The tone depends on the topic and the target group you have in mind. It can be neutral or personal. • • Keep in mind that a blog entry has a purpose. Checklist blog post: • • Include your user name and a title. • • Start with an introduction. • • Use paragraphs for each idea. • • Make a clear distinction between facts, figures and opinions of others. • • Make points clearly and directly. • • Check the style of your entry. Is it appropriate for your target group? • • Check if your entry is appropriate for the purpose described in the rubric. Sample blog post by Stephen de la Haye Weight issues and bullying I noticed that overweight children in my school have fewer friends than thinner kids the same age. I think it is alarming that youngsters with weight issues are excluded from friendships due to their weight because such negative experiences can increase the risk of overweight youngsters suffering from loneliness, depression or poor eating habits. Social isolation may also trigger unhealthy behaviour, such as increased food intake and decreased participation in sports and physical activities. This can lead to further weight gain and thus may cause a vicious cycle. It is important to reduce the stigma of being overweight. We have anti-bullying campaigns based on sexual identity, race and ethnicity, but there is hardly anything for people with weight issues. We should do more to integrate obesity in our anti-bullying repertoire. We need strategies that address bullying systemically by focusing on school, classroom, individual and community level. A zero-tolerance policy with regards to harassment and bullying needs to be introduced which identifies clear consequences for students involved in such incidents. In my opinion, eliminating bullying requires parents and teachers to stay firm on negative interactions among young people. Sample prompt: Blog post Nowadays, charity runs are a popular way to collect money and raise awareness for important issues. There is a great variety of other possibilities for schools and youth clubs to engage in charity. You have decided to write a post on the blog of your local youth club that describes a campaign you have planned. In your blog post you should: • describe the reason for your charity • explain what you have planned • discuss the importance of engaging in charities Give your blog post a title . Write around 250/400 words . 168 Exam preparation Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eige tum des Verlags öbv