Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Blog J Prime Time 5 , page 141; Prime Time 5 Transition , page 148 a) Blog comment • • A blog comment is the answer to a blog post or previous blog comments. • • It expresses personal opinions rather than facts. • • When you write a blog comment you also write for a potentially worldwide audience. • • The tone depends on the topic and the target group you have in mind. • • Address your target group if necessary. • • Your blog comment is part of a discussion about the topic presented in the blog post. Checklist blog comment: • • Include a title, your user name and your e-mail address. • • Use paragraphs for each idea. • • Refer to the original blog post or the previous comments. • • Express your views clearly. • • Mind the structure of a comment (reference to original blog post/previous blog comment – body – ending). Sample blog comment by Willy_Brompton In response to PETA’s post I can only say that I couldn’t agree more. PETA has designated their Los Angeles office as a “safe zone” where trainers may not capture or fight Pokémon. They say catching Pokémon really isn’t much different from taking animals out of the wild and putting them into zoos, circuses and other places that exploit and abuse them. Of course, Pokémon aren’t real, so no animals are in danger from the game. But it would be wonder- ful if people could turn the passion that they have for fictional Pokémon characters to help real-life captive animals, such as the orcas imprisoned at SeaWorld or the tigers who live behind bars in circuses. As a kid it never occurred to me, but as a young adult playing Pokémon GO nowadays on my smart- phone that world really seems like a place where it’s all glossy and shiny and pleasant on the outside and cruel and sinister underneath. For many people Pokémon is not the kind of game they go to when they want to consider ethical dilemmas and so they actively try to avoid thinking about it. I, however, think they are wrong. Sample prompt: Blog comment You have read the following blog post on fair trade. by VeronicaCruz2898 A few thoughts on fair trade A lot of people don’t support fair trade because fair trade costs a bit more than conventional products. There is not that big of a difference, but people are always trying to save money so they go for the cheaper foods. Many people rather eat high brands because of the logo and if it’s popular they think nothing is as good. People don’t realise fair trade farming gives you high quality food that is good for you. 5 167 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv