Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

E Checklist report: • • Include a title, a subject line and section headings. • • Each section in the report has its own paragraph. • • Make a clear distinction between facts, figures and opinions of others. • • Make points clearly and directly. • • Use factual language. • • Draw a conclusion: give a brief summary (include a personal evaluation/recommendation if necessary). Sample report To: Mr Middleton (Headmaster) From: Melinda Knightsbridge Subject: Adoption of an endangered animal This report will summarise the results of a questionnaire about the school adopting an endangered animal and make a recommendation for the next steps. Survey results The questionnaire taken by the students had a wide variety of suggestions. The majority of students felt as if adopting an endangered animal would be beneficial, although there was not a clear decision about which animal would be the best to adopt. Suggestions included: polar bears, African elephants and Bengal tigers. The reasons for these choices were across the board, ranging from cuteness to the severity of their endan- gered status. On the other hand, some students reported that they could not see the point in attempting to save just one animal, but would rather see things done on a much larger scale. Recommendations I think the best way to proceed would be to adopt a specific animal, in this case a polar bear, while also raising awareness about the topic at the same time. Polar bears are not only cute and will attract students, but also raise the issue of global warming. Students could collect money at lunch time and organise lectures or films about the threats endangered species face. Posters throughout the school could update students about the animal and keep them interested. Conclusion I am confident that through this project students will become interested in issues concerning endangered species and will help at least one animal survive. Sample prompt: Report In the local newspaper, the mayor of your town asks young people to give suggestions on how to make town life more attractive to the young. You have interviewed friends of yours and decide to write a report to the mayor. In your report you should: • inform the mayor about the current situation in your town • suggest new ways how the town might update its image to attract young people • discuss which actions should be taken Divide your report into sections and give them headings . Write around 250/400 words . Useful phrases Report Introduction: As requested I have prepared a report on … . • The aim of this report is to point out/compare the advantages and disadvantages of … . • This report tries to suggest that … . • This report is intended to … . Reporting the current situation: Most people seem to feel that … . • Several people/students explained/said/ suggested/thought that … . • The current situation is satisfactory for students because … . • The current situation is unsatisfactory/disappointing … . Recommendations/Suggestions: To sum up, … . • I would therefore recommend/suggest … . • It would seem that … is the best idea. • Both ideas have benefits, but … . P 166 Exam preparation Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv