Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

E Sample prompt: E-mail/Letter of complaint You have just come back from a weekend bus tour through Cornwall which was announced in the advert below. Unfortunately, the tour was a disaster, so you decide to complain to the tour operator. Come on our weekend tour – visit beautiful Cornwall! • • visits to castles included • • comfortable modern buses • • experienced drivers • • £25 per person payable on the day E-mail to to reserve your place! In your e-mail of complaint you should: • express your displeasure • describe your impressions of the trip • explain what compensation you expect Write around 250 words . c) E-mail/Letter to the editor J Prime Time 6 , page 166 This is a formal e-mail/letter in which readers express their opinions on a recent newspaper article, radio or television programme. • • In the reference line say exactly which article/programme you are referring to: e.g. No place for toddlers, 31 October 20.. • • Start your e-mail/letter with “Sir,” or “Madam,” or “Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs NN … ,”. • • At the beginning of your e-mail/letter, state which article you are referring to. • • E-mails/Letters to the editor are meant to be published. Space is in short supply so make it short and to the point. • • Even if you are criticising the article/programme, be polite. • • End the e-mail/letter with your name and where you live. Sample e-mail/letter to the editor Re.: “Community sports centre closed” – 21 June 20.. Reply Reply to All Forward Dear Madam, With reference to your article of 21 June 20.., “ Community sports centre closed”, I would like to express my disapproval of the council’s decision to shut down the local community sports centre in Mona Park. Many communities have no public parks, playgrounds or swimming pools any more. The result? Children are less likely to have safe places to play and roam around nowadays, which adds to the growing number of obese children in our town and in the country as a whole. Surely it is the responsibility of local councils to provide ample opportunities for young people to do sports and outdoor activities. Unfortunately, cutting down on these facilities seems to be a nationwide problem. Innovative communities should be developing “joint use agreements” that open school recreational facilities to children and families at night, at weekends and during holidays. The smart solution would be to unlock the thousands of basketball courts, football fields and running tracks in neighbourhoods all over the country. Yours faithfully, Samantha Black, Brighton 164 Exam preparation Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv