Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Formal e-mail/letter This is the type of e-mail/letter you write to institutions, government offices or companies. The language and style are formal, factual, and polite, even if you are complaining about something. Do not use contractions (short forms), question tags and colloquial expressions. • • If you do not know the name of the addressee, start your e-mail/letter with: “Dear Sir or Madam, …” • • If you know the name of the addressee: “Dear Mr Jones, …” • “Dear Ms Thompson, …” • “Dear Dr Sieber, …” You must always go on with a capital letter: “Thank you for …” • “In last week’s …” • • If your e-mail/letter starts with “Dear Sir or Madam, …” finish it with: “Yours faithfully, …” If you have used the name of the addressee, finish your e-mail/letter with: “Sincerely, …” • “Yours sincerely, …” A slightly less formal way of finishing your e-mail/letter is: “Best/Kind regards, …” You should always sign your e-mail/letter and type your full name underneath it. • • If you have enclosed a document with your e-mail/letter, write under your typed name: Enclosure(s):/Encl.: • • Prepare by noting down the most important points you want to make. Checklist formal e-mail/letter: • • Include addresses of the sender and the addressee (not required for exams). • • Write a reference line at the beginning. • • Include the date. • • Start with a salutation. • • Mention reasons for writing (introduce your theme and say why you are writing). • • Organise the essential information in paragraphs in the main body. • • Express yourself precisely. • • Check if your points are organised in a logical order. • • Check the style (formal and polite). • • Call for action (if necessary). • • Use a closing sentence. • • Write a salutation at the end. • • Give a reference to enclosures if necessary. a) E-mail/Letter of application J Prime Time 5 , page 145; Prime Time 5 Transition , page 150 In an e-mail/letter of application, which is usually accompanied by a CV (BE)/resume (AE), you are expected to provide information about your life and career in a certain order. 3 Useful phrases Formal e-mail/letter Starting the e-mail: I am writing regarding … . • In reference to your e-mail of [date] … . • I am writing to ask about … . • I would like to thank you for … . The middle of the e-mail: I appreciate … . • I apologise for … . • In my opinion, … . • As far as I know, … . • In fact, … . • Would you please be so kind as to … . • I would be glad/grateful if … . • Please accept my apologies for … . • Please send me … . Coming to the end: Thank you for your time and attention. • I am available for an interview at your convenience. • I am looking forward to hearing from you. • I look forward to/Looking forward to meeting you soon. • I would be happy to help in any way I can. • Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. • Thank/Thanking you very much in advance. • Enclosed you will find … . • Enclosed please find … . • For your convenience I have enclosed … . P 161 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv