Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

1 Spot on language Spelling of nouns Complete the sentences with a noun corresponding to the verb in brackets. Be careful with the spelling! 1. Money is not only needed for building roads but also for their (maintain) . 2. Unfortunately vandalism is an all too frequent (occur) in our society. 3. If you want to speak a language well, you should pay attention to (pronounce) . 4. The government’s (explain) for these measures is not very satisfactory. 5. The (abolish) of the slave trade was an important milestone in history. 6. Celebrities often try to stop the (reveal) of their private lives in the media. Single or double letter? Single or double letter? Identify the letter missing from the incomplete words in each sentence and complete the words correctly. 1. Nobody enjoys living in gri y, depressing acco odation. 2. A together there were ten rooms fu of beautifu pictures. 3. I think this questio aire is completely u ecessary. 4. There was a ma ress on the floor covered with blanke s. 5. He managed to get the email a ress of his favourite jazz singer. 6. In Hinduism there are 300 million go s and go esses. -er or -or ? Add the correct ending to these words ( er or or ). 1. explor 7. dust 2. translat 8. curs 3. metaph 9. consum 4. distribut 10. aggress 5. admir 11. practition 6. calculat 12. surviv Tip Orthography includes punctuation and spelling. Punctuation is the use of standard marks and signs (?, !, :, etc.) in writing and printing. Spelling is the process or the activity of writing or naming the letters of a word. Spelling in English is a challenge, so get into the habit of using a dictionary to check how to write words correctly. A spellchecker on your computer can help, too. Here are some points to help you avoid making mistakes. • • Watch out for homophones (words that sound the same but are spelt differently): by, buy, bye • • Note the rules about capitalisation: the Catholic religion, the French citizenship, the Second World War • • There are no clear rules about hyphens (-) . They link compound adjectives and groups of words forming an adjective before a noun, but are not common in nouns: broken-hearted, long-lasting, an out-of-work actor, a left-wing party but a paper bag, supermarket, downturn T 1 2 3 16 Ireland Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv