Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Sample prompt: Article An English language magazine for students is running a new series on the effects of modern technology on the life of teenagers. You have seen the announcement below and decide to hand in an article. “Young people are spending all of their free time at their computers or with their mobile phones. Is this a change for the better?” We are interested in your views on this topic. Submit your article. In your article you should: • outline the effects of new technologies on young people’s lives • contrast the lifestyle of your generation to the one of generations before • speculate on how future generations will use new gadgets Give your article a title . Write around 250 words . Essay J Prime Time 6 , page 164; Prime Time 7 , page 172 An essay deals with a controversial topic in a clear and logical way. The aim of this kind of essay is to persuade someone that a certain point of view is right. Your essay should be made up of three different parts: 1. Introduction You present the issue. To attract the reader’s attention, you can include: • • facts about the history/background of the problem • • information about its relevance today • • a quotation • • questions that you promise to answer 2. Body Write about how the problem started, who is affected by it, how serious it is, what has been done about it so far, what can be expected if there is no solution, and so on. • • Present each point in a separate paragraph. The first sentence (topic sentence) states the point you want to make and the following sentences support this point with evidence (examples, statistics, etc.). • • Illustrate your text with good examples. • • Employ an appropriate style. 3. Conclusion The presentation of your arguments should lead to a conclusion, in which you give a summary of what you have written. • • You should not introduce any new ideas here, but you can give an outlook on further consequences. Checklist essay: • • Think about the purpose of your essay (convince, inform, …). • • Take notes about all you know about the topic and all the arguments for and against it. • • Decide in which way you want to persuade the reader to agree with you. • • Remember the structure: introduction – body – conclusion. • • Use separate paragraphs. • • Use formal language. 2 159 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv