Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

E Text types Writing tasks will include the production of essays, reports and articles, e-mails/letters or blogs. Therefore it is important to know the features of each text type, because they are essential aspects of assessment. Article J Prime Time 6 , page 163 Articles inform the public in an unbiased way. As total objectivity is not possible, they should at least be fair, with all the relevant points included. Checklist article: • • Consider the purpose of your article (entertain, inform, persuade, …). • • Use fairly objective, formal prose language. • • Include dates, facts, information about the topic. • • Remember the structure: introduction (should attract the reader’s interest) – body – conclusion (can be provoking or humorous). • • Use paragraphs. • • Include questions to the reader/involve the reader. • • Include examples or direct speech. • • Express your opinion if required. • • Think of a catchy title. Sample article Tip Formal style Features: formal expressions, foreign words, specialist terms, objectivity, detachment, politeness, complete and complex sentences Communicative situation: e.g. formal e-mail/letter, unknown addressees or hierarchical context Informal style Features: informal and colloquial expressions, simple sentences, subjectivity, can contain slang and even incomplete sentences Communicative situation: e.g. informal e-mail/letter, personal context T 1 Are video games really all bad? Some people say that computer games are a waste of time and money, but others hold the opposite point of view. There are clearly factors that can be cited on both sides, and they need to be balanced in order to assess the true position. While some people believe that video games are simply a waste of time, others argue that they are a great way to relax and spend your free time. Some video games are extremely complex and can actually increase brain function. Even though the player may not be outdoors and engaged in physical activity, the complexity of video games today could be useful for a child’s development. In that respect, perhaps video games are not such a big waste of time and money. It may even be the case that some video and computer games are actually a good investment for a child’s future development. Not all games involve violence and some could be quite educational. Video games can promote creation and imagination amongst today’s youth. Various games that are extremely popular involve creating virtual cities and sustainable social and economic structures. It would be hard to argue that these types of games are not beneficial to a young adult and may even spark an interest leading to a future career in engineering. The issue of video games and their effect on today’s youth is hard to categorise. There is a wide range of video games on the market today. While some games may be filled with violence, others could be educational and beneficial. 158 Exam preparation Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv