Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Writing In this section of the examination your writing skills are tested. The test formats give you the opportunity to show your language skills, so it is not only important to avoid mistakes. You should show that you can fulfil the requirements of the tasks and that you can express yourself appropriately using a wide spectrum of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Grading of written performance The grading of your text will include the criteria task achiesvement (TA), organisation and layout (OL), lexical and structural range (LSR) and lexical and structural accuracy (LSA). All four criteria are equally weighted and are rated independently from one another. Task achievement • • deals with the student’s ability to complete the set task according to the specific requirements • • does not consider the student’s range or accuracy of language • • If the student’s performance “fails to address the task” (0 points), the other three criteria will not be assessed. The whole section of this writing task will not be awarded any points. As a student, you should: • • cover the purpose of the text • • deal with all content points (as defined by the list of bullet points) with supporting details/examples • • structure your text carefully (introduction, body and conclusion) • • include all typical elements of a text type (e.g. title, subject line, section headings, salutation, closing) • • highlight the personal significance of events if required • • express facts and views effectively • • observe the required number of words (required number of words +/−10%) Organisation and layout • • refers to the structure at both text and paragraph level As a student, you should: • • organise your ideas logically • • use paragraphs • • develop points in a clear and systematic way • • link your ideas within the text with appropriate linking words • • present your ideas in a way so that the reader does not have to reread • • follow the standard layout for the required task type • • be aware of different layout conventions for different texts Lexical and structural range • • refers to the range of structures and vocabulary (lexical items) As a student, you should: • • express yourself clearly • • use a wide variety of structures and sentence forms • • apply the correct register (formal, semi-formal, informal) • • use a wide range of vocabulary • • avoid repetition Lexical and structural accuracy (LSA) • • is the student’s ability to use structures and vocabulary (lexical items) accurately As a student, you should: • • make sure to use grammar and vocabulary accurately and appropriately • • use linking devices accurately • • be careful with spelling • • meet punctuation standards 157 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv