Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

E Multiple choice: Why Facebook searches on job hunters should be banned Read the text about social media. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–8). Put a cross ( ✘ ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. The right to privacy Facebook has been no stranger to debates … 0 privacy over the last few years. In fact, the king of social media sites has been at the … 1 of a number of protests from users complaining about the perceived lack of protection afforded by Facebook’s own privacy … 2 . As use of the site and similar social media channels continues to … 3 , and we place more and more information about ourselves online, the social media and privacy debate continues to gather momentum. In the world of employment and recruitment, there have been … 4 around the use of pre-hire social media searches and how these can have a negative impact on the recruitment process. There are a … 5 of reasons for pushing such searches to be banned during the pre-hire stages, mainly relating to the risk that they could … 6 the level of objectivity of recruitment processes. For example, if a photo or video from a party is found on a candidate’s profile, showing the person behaving in a way that may reflect badly on their professional … 7 , the searcher will be left with an impression that cannot easily be … 8 , making it difficult to discard the information in order to adopt an entirely objective and fair recruitment process. 0 A around B over ✘ C from D with 1 A middle B focus C centre D height 2 A law B outlook C feature D policy 3 A decay B decline C grow D improve 4 A discussions B analysis C research D discharges 5 A few B number C numerous D plenty 6 A slow down B reduce C increase D cut down 7 A outline B icon C picture D image 8 A deleted B exchanged C undone D crossed out 5 Tip • • Read the whole text to get a vague idea of what it is about before you start ticking the answers. • • Work by excluding options which don’t fit first. • • Make sure that your answer has the right meaning and the correct form. • • Remember that the text should be logical. • • Read the text again when you are done to make sure the options you have chosen work. T 5 10 156 Exam preparation Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv