Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Previous … 0 (criticise) of the policies to combat climate change has focused on … 1 (deny) the fact that there was global warming at all or that humanity was in any way … 2 (response) for it. Now that both are … 3 (universal) accepted facts, there is another kind of criticism, such as Bjorn Lomborg’s article, that argues that these countermeasures are too expensive and ineffectual and that direct measures to alleviate the consequences of climate change would be much more … 4 (effect) . But is this kind of criticism any less dangerous and reckless? Lomborg picks out a few of the most prevalent dangers connected to climate change: floods, an increase in … 5 (infect) diseases and heatwaves and tries to point out that direct countermeasures against these would cost a lot less and have a greater effect than cutting carbon emissions. Now that may be true for each of these phenomena, although he refers either only to estimates or doesn’t give a source at all, but we must not forget that these are only three of a huge range of things which are affected by climate change. What does the cost- effectiveness look like if we factor in the loss of islands or … 6 (coast) regions, desertification, … 7 (lose) of wildlife, negative effects on our already overfished seas, the potential … 8 (fail) of the Gulf Stream, etc.? If Lomborg had to come up with direct measures for each and every one of these, the costs would quickly add up. This does not even take into account the fact that most of Lomborg’s suggestions, such as malaria medication, are only short-term … 9 (solve) and would have to be paid year after year. Spending little money on short-term solutions instead of spending big money on long-term strategies is pure egoism and increases the burden that future generations will have to bear. After all, it is this generation that profits from an energy-intensive lifestyle that in the future will negatively affect the entire planet, so it is also this generation that should do its very best to limit the effects. 0 criticism ✔ 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 Editing: Increase of obesity Read the text about an the increase of obesity. In most lines (1–10) there is a word that should not be there. Write these words in the spaces provided. 3–5 lines are correct. Make a ✔ in the space if the line is correct. There are two examples (0, 00) at the beginning. 4 Tip • • Read very carefully as many of the unnecessary words are difficult to detect. • • Unnecessary words are often to be found in longer sentences. • • Unnecessary words never stand at the beginning or the end of a line. T 5 10 15 20 Doctors have warned that almost the half of all adults in Britain will be classified the 0 as obese within the next 20 years. They predict within that, on current trends, within 00 an extra eleven million people will be severely overweight by 2030, bringing 1 the total to 26 million. Only among tough government action, including a tax on 2 unhealthy food, can slow motion the trend, they say. Prof Klim McPherson, an 3 epidemiologist at Oxford University, said the government needs to learn 4 the lesson of tobacco taxation, which has dramatically reduced in smoking rates. 5 The experts also propose restrictions on eventually junk food advertising and 6 recommend initiatives to warn children not to spend too much time sitting around 7 watching TV. A Department of Health spokesman said though obesity was a priority 8 and people were being encouraged to “make simple changes, such as eating 9 more fruit and vegetables, cutting down on fatty foods and about being more active.” 10 155 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv