Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

Language in use In this section of your exam you will be tested on your knowledge of grammatical structures and vocabulary. Understanding the meaning, however, is important here because language is used in context and not in isolation. Matching: Too thirsty for knowledge Read the text about the importance of drinking enough water at school. Some words are missing. Choose the correct word (A–M) for each gap (1–10). There are two extra words that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. Why staying hydrated is important Can you imagine spending every day at work with a … 0 ? That is the nearest adults will come to the feelings of … 1 experienced by children who have little access to water during the school day. So says a campaigner who argues that learning is being damaged by a simple … 2 of water in classrooms. And a project in Brighton is examining whether a bottle of water could be schools’ secret … 3 in improving test results. Hilary Reed, a teacher with the Brighton and Hove learning support service, says that dehydration is contributing to academic … 4 and poor behaviour. “Day after day, I come across tired, lethargic and … 5 children, unable to concentrate – often due to dehydration,” she says. “I also witness a succession of children going into the school sick-room with stomach aches and headaches, mostly all … 6 with a drink of water.” And putting this theory to the test is a project in Brighton in which pupils are being allowed free access to water throughout the day – and are … 7 to drink more water at home. This School Water Policy is in place in two-thirds of the local authority’s primary schools and it is also to be … 8 in a secondary school. Later this month, research will begin to see whether this has any … 9 impact on behaviour and performance. Most students provide their own bottled water, or sports bottles which can be topped up from the … 10 . But sponsors are also providing free bottles, so that all pupils can participate. (Sean Coughlan, BBC News Online ) A beneficial H increasing 0 F 6 B calm I irritable 1 7 C curable J lack 2 8 D dehydration K tap 3 9 E encouraged L underachievement 4 10 F hangover M weapon 5 G implemented Tip • • Read the task carefully. • • Keep in mind that you should not spend too much time on one specific task. • • Do the next task if you cannot find an answer straight away and return to this step later. T 1 Tip • • Before you decide which option is the correct one, read through the whole text passage to get the overall meaning. • • Analyse the options very carefully. Sometimes wrong answers are very similar to the correct option. • • Make sure that your answer has the right meaning and the correct form. T ✔ 5 10 153 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv