Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

E Tip • • Read the questions and all the options carefully. • • Sometimes it is useful to consider the answer before you look at the options. If your answer isn’t among them, choose the one closest to it. • • To find the right option, first rule out the one you know is wrong. Then choose the best remaining answer. • • If you have to guess the answer, use what you know and what logic tells you. • • If you have no idea which answer is correct, tick any answer. You should not leave a question unanswered. T 0 The most important trend identified by the journalist is a) the huge growth in social network sites. b) the change in the profile of the typical male internet user. c) the increasing number of girls and young women who use the web. d) the number of new ways in which people are able to use the internet. ✘ 1 She reports that compared to boys, girls a) are more likely to purchase online. b) are more interested in a wide variety of different topics. c) like to focus in detail on one particular interest or subject. d) are less likely to stay on the same website for a long period of time. 2 Surveys show that a) British girls spend more time on social network sites than American girls. b) girls have more social network profiles than boys. c) 57 per cent of British boys have a social network profile. d) boys contribute more entries in forums. 3 The journalist thinks that a) men will soon be far behind. b) women are less skilled in using the new technologies. c) women are less interested in using the internet than men. d) men are more interested in making money by using the net than women. 4 In her opinion a) there will be as many female IT students as male ones in 20 or 30 years’ time. b) more girls are now thinking about a career in computing. c) there is still male prejudice against women in the IT industry. d) many girls are not interested in a career in technology. 5 The journalist says that a) the girls she talked to spend a lot of time with computers without understanding them. b) gradually young men lose interest in dealing with computers. c) girls are less gifted than men when dealing with technological tasks. d) in many cases girls don’t really want to make a career in the IT industry. 152 Exam preparation Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv