Prime Time 8. Coursebook plus Semester Self-checks, Schulbuch

E lower for women who had been undernourished than for those who had not. Annet van Abeelen, who led the study, said, “Our study pinpoints the crucial role childhood plays in adult health. Growth that has been hampered by undernutrition in later childhood, followed by a subsequent recovery, may have metabolic consequences that contribute to an increased risk of diseases later in adulthood.” Doctors recommend women eat 2000 calories a day to stay healthy, but some modern-day celebrities have reportedly chosen to undergo periods of starvation in a bid to make themselves thinner. Victoria Beckham is alleged to have eaten 600 calories a day after adopting a diet of little more than mineral water and strawberries before becoming pregnant with her third son, Cruz. Even more severe was the diet of Portia De Rossi, the former Ally McBeal and Arrested Development actress, who last year claimed to have dropped six stone during an earlier period of anorexia in which she ate just 300 calories a day. Healthy eating campaigners expressed concerns that negative images in the media could prove seriously damaging to young people having trouble with their own eating habits. A spokesperson for Beat, the eating disorder charity, said, “Daily, young people are surrounded by images of so-called role models in the media which can be unhelpful to someone who is struggling with their eating habits. Eating disorders and yo-yo dieting can certainly have long term health consequences which can lead to organ failure.” (Nick Collins, The Telegraph ; adapted and abridged) 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 If people do not … in their teenage years, this might lead to serious health issues later. get enough food ✔ 1 The University Medical Centre in Utrecht … involving 8,000 women. 2 Women who didn’t suffer from undernutrition had a higher risk … than those who did. 3 Long term … might occur if malnourished children return to a normal diet. 4 Physicians advise … of 2,000 calories per day for women. 5 Role models in the media might give a wrong impression to young people who have … their nutrition. Matching: Stop the press! The future of US journalism Read the text about recent developments in journalism. Some parts are missing. Choose the correct part (A–I) for each gap (1–6). There are two extra parts that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. American newspapers are reeling under the recession, with advertising and circulations slumping. Now the industry is looking for new sources of revenue. 2 Tip • • Before you decide which option is the correct one, read through the whole text passage to get the overall meaning. • • Analyse the options very carefully. Sometimes wrong answers are very similar to the correct option. • • Look out for linking words which might give you an idea of the correct answer. T It is Independence Day in the US, and there are fireworks online. A nation of internet users log on, click for their favourite newspaper sites to catch up on the weekend news, only to be stopped in their tracks. On website after website, the following message: “Dear reader. In order to save the newspaper industry and promote quality journalism, it has become necessary to begin charging for online access. … 0 .” 5 146 Exam preparation Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv